Since shows came back, I’ve been going to several a month. I feel fortunate that most are either in my hometown or in the next city 120km away, and I wanted to know how your experience compares.

  1. Never. But my family members go often. Even to other countries like Czech Republic, Austria or even Slovenia.

  2. I went to a couple concerts and music festivals in my teens but I’ve grown disinterested in them. Basically you can reduce my arguments to the “it’s too loud, I’m sweaty, my feet hurt” meme. Sit-down jazz shows in my town I’ll attend occasionally.

  3. Not super often, twice a year maybe, and I usually don’t have to travel too much since my city is in a pretty central location. Under 200 km, I don’t think I’ve travelled more than that within Finland to hear live music.

    Once I travelled to Stockholm for a concert though.

  4. About every few months. Travel distances can differ from just 10 km to 80 km, but with the exception of some festivals (furthest was about 1500 km in that case) I’ve never had to travel that far.

  5. I do travel for festivals. The furthest away were in Portugal, Croatia and Hungary.

  6. I’ve been to 1 in my whole life. I enjoyed it and would like to go to more, but the problem is that my favourite bands don’t tour often (most have broken up or members have died). I’m also not great at keeping up with when tours are happening.

    I live about 30mins away from Cardiff which is one of the main UK tour destinations. So if someone I like toured the UK I could get there to see them fairly easily.

  7. Every month or so, I live very close to the main venues in Stockholm where there is a steady flow of world artists playing. Usually I manage to squeeze in at least one outdoor summer festival per year also. The furthest one I’ve been to was in Slovenia 😎

    [Sweden Rock Festival ](, [Wacken Open Air ](, [Tuska Festival ](, [Gefle Metal](, [Skogsröjet](

  8. Right now about every week, but I’m just making up what I’ve lost during the pandemic. Usually have to travel to Amsterdam, which is about 1,5 hours by train.

    Planned to go to Jack White, but got COVID right now.

  9. 😭😭😭 i think most of the youngsters go to music festivals that are held by the seaside or big cities for example the capital or another main city, but it’s only like once or twice a year cuz we don’t have much money.
    and i think this is a balkan kind of problem. you only go to concerts often if you live in a big city

  10. A few times a year (four so far this year, at least two later in the year). Bands rarely come to my town but the majority of bands who come to Scotland play within an hour of where I live (when they’re not on a “UK Tour” of London, Manchester and maybe Birmingham!)

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