Men who died and were brought back, what was it like?

  1. Well it was very painful at first, the nails were alright but when it got to the feet I felt like the hard part was over. They left me there to die and then locked me in some cave. As a fellow gamer myself I knew that the respawn time of dying on a big T is about 3-5 days, but those days were spent by catching up on sleep I haven’t had in a couple days.

    All and all I’d say it was great, you get to sleep.

  2. For me it was like those old tvs where the light just kind of blinks away. Also felt like i was moving away from the light.

  3. Didn’t happen to me, but an old coworker told me about his experience. He described it as feeling like being in the most comfortable chair you could imagine.

  4. “The other side? There is no *other side*. I’ve been to the darkness, my lady”


  5. I’m a physician and I’ve brought people back many times in the ICU. Most that make it back, even if barely, don’t want to be brought back again.

  6. I was bleeding out on the street, unable to hear sirens or even know if anyone was on their way to help me. I could feel how badly injured I was and didn’t know if I’d ever be able to walk again. I could feel the cold coming in and the shock and knew that I had to stay awake but that was just so hard with so much of me draining out. And I knew it as I closed my eyes. I knew this was the end and despite everything I had, I accepted it.

    You ever had your arm go to sleep on you and suddenly you realise you can’t feel it anymore? That’s what all that pain was like three months later when I woke from a coma with most physical things healed. I’d been found effectively dead at that point and brought back and nursed to health while the mind was so accepting of death that it refused to wake up.

    I remember clinging to memories as the lights went out in my head, but they were going too. Its hard to describe but if you’ve ever had an old cathode ray TV, turn it on in a dark room and leave it on for ten minutes then turn it off. The picture sort of blinks out and shrinks down, but then the light of it is still there for a while sort of fading out. It was like that, but there was something else behind it. I know a lot of people see God or their loved ones, but I got a very different impression. I dunno, maybe I was a narcissist back then because that thing behind it all I can only call me, if that makes sense. Just this inexorable me-ness behind everything.

    For clarity, I always had a lot of faith in myself and my abilities, and my family were far from loving while growing up. So there’s a chance I access the same parts of the brain that others hit and see those things when they’re dying, or maybe I was aware of coming back. All I can tell you for sure is that it felt right that this is what I was experiencing.

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