My good guy friend insists that when a man’s hairline starts thinning it motivates men to get married before it gets worse. How true do you think his theory is?

  1. The frontal cortex is covered by hair when you are young. It’s also the part of the brain that is involved in higher reasoning. As your hair recedes, that part of the brain starts getting more exposed and the guy has to get married before this vital part of the brain is completely exposed to the sun! That’s why guys who wear a baseball cap backwards are so stupid. It’s because that little gap in the hat let’s sunlight onto the frontal cortex region.

    In other words…it’s all bullshit.

  2. Mine’s recedding and thining and I’ve no interest in ever getting married.

  3. Mines been receding and my desire to get married has only gone down over time.

  4. Bullshit, I didn’t want to get married in my early 20’s started balding in my mid 20’s started shaving my head almost immediately. Now I’m 38 and I still don’t want to get married

  5. If my hair started thinning I’d shave it or maintain a short haircut. I think most men do this. That is my counter theory.

  6. My brother got worried about his marriage prospects when his hair line thinned at 28. He got married at 30

  7. My hairline started to mimic my dad’s about 10 years ago… Now I am in my mid thirties and I honestly look even better now. I think my big forehead looks great. I’ve never been overweight, so losing a little hair didn’t bother my looks in my opinion. No fear of not having kids; I haven’t yet, but someday.

  8. I think there is some logic behind that reasoning, but I seriously doubt it’s a good data point to base anything off.

    I agree with the idea that people in general want to use their looks when they are at their peak to find their ‘best’ partner, seeing signs of hair loss may then prompt a man into thinking that he needs to capitalize on his looks before they deteriorate.

    However, most reasonable men won’t be thinking that they need to marry so that their girlfriend doesn’t leave them once their hair does. Most reasonable men will marry when they are satisfied with their current partner and want to spend the rest of their life with them. Some even see marriage as a pointless gesture, as their bond is built on trust in each other and not some legal document and/or religious tradition.

    I think in more general terms, attempting to apply smaller data points such as the beginning of hair loss to a major life decision such as marriage, is not applicable for reality. There is a strong correlation between hair loss and age, and a strong correlation between age and marriage, that goes along with all of this. I think you’re better off with simply saying that most men marry in their early to mid adulthood.

  9. I’m balding, overweight and the mother of my child broke it off cause she likes women now. Invested my life in the wrong women and passed it now. Gonna be slim pickings for me

  10. There’s a correlation between getting older and hair thinning. People also more often get married when they get older. That’s your connection. It could be true in individual cases but generally it’s not the motivator as much as a reminder of age.

  11. For me it’s true. I took life and relationships more seriously when I started losing hair. Dating before and after hair is like night and day so I’m looking for someone who I can be with for long term.

  12. I have long hair and I have zero motivation to get married so maybe there’s some truth to that theory 🤷‍♂️

  13. Well my dad has a full head of hair at 64 and it took him a decade or so with my mom before proposing. Datapoint for the inverse situation being true anyways

  14. I started balding at 14, met my wife at 19, married at 22. I didn’t feel rushed.

  15. Well, I’m definitely balding at 26, been losing hair for about 5 years I think. I haven’t tried getting any romantic relationship yet because i simply never wanted to. I’m busting the theory

  16. In fact, after marriage, the hairline thins even faster, and the same goes to his wallet.

  17. In my experience, if you know someone before they go bald, it’s kinda weird for the first little while and yeah they might look worse to you in the first few weeks, but it’s more just that your not used to it.

    I can’t name a single bald person who I’ve met who I’d say “damn he looks so bad without hair”. If your bald, and I meet you while your bald, I feel like that’s just naturally what your supposed to look like

  18. I’m 26 and have a receding hairline. The effect of my hairline on my future relationship potential admittedly crossed my mind when recently deciding to end a 5 year relationship. I still went through with it though.

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