I (18M going to turn 19 in few days) have a crush on a girl 8 months older than me. She’s my uncle’s friend’s daughter. We haven’t met for 2 years but we get along well. This is the second time I have fallen for someone after 3 years because the first girl I gave my heart to left me for someone else. After that I wasn’t able to trust anybody nor did I have that distinct feeling of love for any other girl, until I saw her. But because I’m from India if a girl/boy is even a month older than you, your elders will ask you to call them your elder sister/brother. So as usual I got bro zoned. Idk what to do and to make matters worse she has a bf. I don’t think I’ll get her in this life but not gonna lie I really want to spend my life with her 😔.

1 comment
  1. Sorry to hear, even with the cultural factors aside it sounds like you’re beginning to understand that it’s not meant to be, also especially because she is already taken and has bro zoned you.
    My advice is to sadly to accept that sometimes we meet people in different or unsuitable circumstances and while it’s sad, you’re still young and you have a lot of opportunities to meet more people and you may find someone who you can trust and who won’t betray you like your past partner has.
    Move on and heal bro

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