I see this a lot when people bring up what they are looking for in a potential partner, especially from women (just from what I personally noticed, it’s not a fact or anything). Are “ambitions” something you look for, and what does it mean to you?

Worded this the best I can, I’m not good at explaining things.

  1. It means they want a man who has the potential in providing them with a “lifestyle upgrade” instead of someone who is happy doing a regular job.

  2. Having goals, wanting to better yourself and be more than you are now.

    You don’t have to want to be a CEO, or a pro athlete, but wanting to be financially stable enough to raise a family, wanting to be healthier, wanting to meet whatever goals you have set for yourself regardless of what they are is how I’d define ambition.

    Once you have goals you find a partner that shares similar or complementary goals, and you work together to achieve them.

  3. Realistically, it has a lot to do with earning potential. Not many people want to bring someone into their life who has no motivations or goals and will just be a financial drain on them. I wouldn’t date a woman who expected a man to just fund her life. My wife and I have been together for almost 9 years now and we’ve talked about her not working now but that’s different because that was not an expectation coming into the relationship.

    TLDR: Ambitions really just means someone who is actively trying to improve their life; often from a financial perspective.

  4. Women don’t want a dude who just sits around and plays video games and watches TV all day, everyday.

    Women like activities, hobbies and creating memories…they want a guy who has some interest and drive to experience life. (aka “ambitions” to do things and not be lazy)

  5. It means they want someone who isn’t a man baby, spends most of his money on weed, gaming and doesn’t follow his responsibilities. A few triggered man babies below…

  6. It could mean they are a lazy gold-digger who wants a free ride,

    it could mean they want someone who isn’t lazy and has a career and wants to keep that career growing, because they are doing the same thing.

    it depends.


    I can tell you that I honestly believe my wife would stick with me through and through even if I lost my job, my career, and we had to massively downgrade our quality of life. But even then, when I am ambitious, when I dream big, when I work hard for a promotion or a new job or a step-up, I can tell she looks at me more, desires me more, we have sex more. She is attracted to me more when I am ambitious. And she straight up has told me, she feels secure when I am dreaming of a better future.

    Hell, I feel the same way. When she was staying home all day, not trying hard to find a job, not trying hard to pursue an education, I felt bad. I felt unattracted. We even had a big fight about it. Now she’s again, working a job, dreaming about the future, making plans to pursue an education and restart her career*, I feel much better about her.

    *her career stagnated because of us moving to improve my career, so.. I was an asshole about that fight.


    it’s normal to be attracted to people who are ambitious. the opposite of that would be to be attracted to people who don’t want to improve their situation, who don’t want to fix their problems, etc. I don’t want to live the same life at 40yo as when I was a broke 22yo. obviously. That doesn’t make me a gold-digger.

  7. To me it means the dictionary definition. I assume for most people it’s the same, but I can’t know what a specific individual thinks it means.

  8. They are looking for men with money.

    Being ambitious about building elaborate model train sets isn’t what these women are talking about.

  9. Most of the time it’s said by people who are looking for someone whose work and profits will afford them a life of luxury.

  10. A woman saying “she wants a guy with ambition” == I want a man who currently has enough money to take care of me, is on a path to make money in the near future, and can provide financial security for said woman.

    One of the biggest things women look for in men is security. We might be in 2022, but social climates can’t fight two hundred thousand years of evolution/intelligent design. Modern life might be different, but it’s damn near the same. Ladies are looking for the same traits in a man like we’re in caveman times. Hunting == making money for example.

    I don’t have a problem with women wanting a man ambitious man. I’d also argue that women are gold diggers by nature, it’s how they were able to survive in pervious generations. If they couldn’t lock down a man with resources they’d be down bad in life. Seeking a competent isn’t a bad thing. Plus the traits required to make money are attractive to women too. Drive, consistency, competitive, assertive, leadership, and the will to never give up.

  11. It means i want me a partner with money so I can make half an effort and live mostly off of them. That’s what it means

  12. A woman who wants me to pay for an unobtainable lifestyle and worships “hustle culture”.

    Ignore, delete and remove from your life.

  13. Generally speaking it means having future goals, plans, and a means to achieving them. I find a lot of my peers seem to just shuffle through the weeks, months, years, without any interest in what comes next.

  14. 46 years have shown me that it means $$. Enough money so she doesn’t have to fully commit to anything. But that’s been my bad experiences. Hopefully that’s not everyone’s.

  15. Women typically use it as code for “money and status”. Men will often use different terms, but generally speaking they mean that the woman has goals she cares about, and has invested herself in and aspires towards something.

    It could really be anything, like volunteering, fitness, she might super into gardening, cooking, art, it could be a damned stamp collection. The point is that she demonstrates some sort of discipline to stick to a long term goal and demonstrate that she can do more than seek out immediate gratification.

  16. Just that they have some sort of goals. Not necessarily be CEO of Earth or whatever…just something to strive for.

  17. **Ambition** means you have the drive to better yourself, for yourself, and will do what it takes to succeed without harming your integrity or destroying the lives of others.

    With this definition, we Men want to see that our partners aren’t going to sit idly by and let life happen. They aren’t going spend entire days, weeks, or months on IG, watching YT vids and wondering where life went.

    And they are sure-as-sh** not going to let their BF / Husb / SO carry all the load in the relationship. They bring something to the table and make sure they get as they give.

  18. It just means they want money.

    I’m ambitous in video games, and appearantly it’s not what they mean, unfortunetly.

  19. Ambitions to me means external life goals that need to be worked toward. They are typically career-based (become a hospital administrator) or hobby-based (build a home).

    When women say it, they typically mean that they will not be satisfied with a worker drone.

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