And I do not mean it in the sense of not talking to people. I do talk to people, just when the conversation is at a dead end, I always feel like “why even bother searching for another subject, this silence is perfectly fine”. And the thing is I know I’m in the minority to think like that. It’s not just with new or random people. Even with my friends and family I just stay quite because “I have nothing more to say”. I feel like it gives a boring vibe out of me and I want to know how to change that.

I guess it’s pretty much the same basic “how to small talk to avoid weird silences” except the other person is the only one feeling this is weird. I don’t even bother engaging in small talk.

1 comment
  1. I myself have a similar problem, I can’t come up with anything to say in conversations that being with family or friends. I would like to be more interesting although there’s always nothing really going on in my life. I am not what you call a quick thinker and probably lack reading the room most of the time. I can’t tell if the awkward silence is okay or if it’s my time to say anything. I’ve in some way have accepted that things will probably continue to be this way unless I try to change my thinking. Some advice that I can think of and that has worked for me before, is probably try to add on to an existing topic you have spoken about before or ask them about themselves to find some new topics to talk about. Finding a common ground helps having something to go back to when it gets quiet^^ I’m still working on my situation but I hope my advice helps!

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