So I’m traveling to America on Wednesday and I’ve heard the horror stories of obnoxious people coming up and telling that that’s not how a lady should look. Im not very good at confrontation so this would be a nightmare for me. Am I just being dumb and paranoid or is this really a thing? Also Im traveling to California.

  1. i dont think it really matters. There might be some weird dickheads but they will be there regardless

  2. > I’ve heard the horror stories of obnoxious people coming up and telling that that’s not how a lady should look

    People will believe anything about us as long as it’s bad

  3. They are your armpits, your hair, so whatever you want. I don’t shave mine either and I have got some weird looks, but no one has ever said anything to me.

  4. I’d find it hard to believe anyone is going to body shame you in the touristy and also very liberal parts of California,.

  5. commenting on that would be considered very rude in the US. If anyone does, ignore them.

  6. You might get some jackass who will say that to you but most people will probably notice but not say anything specific to you about it. I guess you’ll avoid a possible interaction if you did shave but it’s up to you.

  7. Do it only if you want to, I can’t imagine anybody (except maybe a significant other) saying anything about it. And I’m saying that as someone who dislikes body hair in general.

  8. I know a few women who don’t shave. I like it, and it’s becoming more common and acceptable here. Especially in California I would think.

    But in my experience the people who are the most vocal and critical of it are other women. You probably won’t get confronted at the beach, but you might get some ignorant looks.

    I’d like to say that you should decide for yourself based on what you want and being true to yourself. But that might be short sighted of me. It’s only hair, so I guess it depends on how much you care about it versus how much anxiety it could induce.

  9. >I’ve heard the horror stories of obnoxious people coming up and telling that that’s not how a lady should look.

    If they are going to do that, they are going to do that regardless. That being said, you have nothing to worry about; that just isn’t going to happen in urban areas of California.

  10. A lady doesn’t comment on someone else’s armpit hair. I can’t imagine anyone approaching someone like that to confront them about armpit hair. Or any other body hair. That would be so rude!

    Wear what you like and enjoy your trip. I’ve never seen anyone call any one else out over body hair.

  11. No one is going to say anything, but if you have a tank top on you’ll definitely get some stares.

  12. I’m a female in California. I don’t shave my armpits. I did it once, when I was in high school, and didn’t like the prickly feeling there as the hair was growing back in. Decided never to do it again. It’s not like there’s a ton of hair there. No one would notice it, unless I raised my arms above my head, anyway.

    So you do you.

  13. I have never heard of or seen this personally.

    It would be considered insanely rude.

    You are free to just ignore anyone that said that to you because they are an asshole.

    I wouldn’t worry about it at all.

  14. Why do you give a crap if other people like it or not? It’s your armpit. Do what you want.

  15. This will only be an issue if you are planning on meeting and having romantic relations with someone in the US.

    Otherwise, they might look at you but nobody will comment.

  16. It probably depends where you are in California (CA is a big state, bigger than many countries and has lots of different regions) but in general it’s unlikely that anyone will say anything to you, though it’s possible that people will notice and say something behind your back or something. Hairy legs and/or pits aren’t super uncommon anymore in a lot of areas though, I see lots of girls that don’t shave in the more progressive and young neighborhoods I go to.

  17. Nobody normal would body shame a woman for having hair in her armpits. Dunno about the ‘horror stories’ you’ve heard but I find them hard to believe.

    I didn’t shave my armpits back in the 1970s and 1980s and no one ever said a thing, ever. (I started shaving because I found I sweated less that way.)

    If you’re traveling to CA, you *really* have nothing to worry about.

  18. In my experience you’ll probably get some weird looks if you don’t

  19. 99.9% of people would not say anything. Those that do, would be assholes.

    That said, it is not all that common for woman to have armpit hair here, so it may get a second glance from some people if it is getting shown off a lot.

  20. It would be so incredibly rude to confront a stranger over their armpit hair that it basically just doesn’t happen. You (general) might get policed on it by your mother/aunt/neighbor/church ladies, but not a random stranger, and definitely not in California.

  21. Are you planning to have some vacation hookups with American men? Then maybe think about shaving if you’d be sensitive about it.

    If you aren’t don’t sweat it.

  22. It’s up to you. I think its rare for that situation to happen, but it could. Most women here shave our armpits, but some don’t. I wouldn’t worry about it though. No one will probably even notice.

  23. California here. No one will hassle you about that here. We see it all the time.

  24. I (female) don’t shave my armpits and no one’s ever commented on it or even looked at me askance. I doubt you’ll have issues with this. I feel like body comments tend to come more from people you know, as opposed to random strangers on the street.

  25. I’m going to be very honest, hairy woman are not common here, and you will likely get some sideways looks and maybe a dumb comment or two, but that’s probably about as far as it will go. I would predict most people would take a second glance, then dismiss it and move on. Don’t get me wrong, there are definitely a few types of people that want to convince you it’s normal, but by and large it is not common. That’s not to say you have to do this or that, by all means be you and do what you like, you absolutely can, just be prepared it might create some awkward social encounters. With that said, if there is anywhere that this will be naturally embraced, it’s California.

  26. I don’t think anyone would comment on this. Some people might notice and quietly think it’s strange, but it’s really unlikely that anyone would say anything.

  27. I have plenty of female friends with unshaved arm, and not a one has reported a confrontation, even here in the more conservative midwest. You should be fine, especially in California

  28. If you want to shave sure but if you don’t, don’t. I think it’s pretty unlikely that anyone would approach you and it’s even less likely if you are going to be in a city. If you’re really scared and planning to spend most on your time on the beach with your arms above your head then I’d consider it but otherwise you’re probably fine.

  29. No, anyone who gives you shit for a natural part of your body is an idiot and not worth listening to

  30. I still would, you get looked at when you’re in a shirt that shows them. If you don’t plan on showing them, you’re fine. No one cares.

  31. You might get a comment from an older person in a more traditional-conservative part of the country, but you’ll very likely be fine in California.

  32. > horror stories of obnoxious people coming up and telling that that’s not how a lady should look

    If that’s the worst thing that happens on your trip, that means the trip was pretty alright, no?

    People around here tend to let people do what they do, especially at tourist destinations

  33. I haven’t shaved my legs in three years now and no one has ever noticed to my knowledge, even though I wear shorts whenever it’s even vaguely possible. If anyone did notice, they had absolutely no reactions or opinions. With the exception of my husband who did notice but didn’t have an opinion.

    (And I have dark hair, it’s not like you can barely tell if you look at my legs)

    A 7th grader might tease you, but I haven’t met any adults who care or would ever consider commenting on someone else’s shaving habits.

  34. Do what you want and if they give you shit tell them to go fuck themselves, after doing that you’d practically be a citizen

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