We always hear the phrase “The Great State of $State.” What really sets you apart from other States?

  1. The lack of anything, there’s a reason people sit on their porch when a tornado is two miles away.

    A) It’s the most interesting thing that has happened in months

    B) You have a chance of getting flung to a fun state like Colorado.

  2. The variety of geography and the various “industries” (tech, entertainment, agriculture).

  3. Well. Not to brag but, what sets me apart from most states is that I am ambulatory. And I can guaren-goddamn-tee you that I have walked farther than South Dakota. I dunno about Maine though. It feels like it might be a jogger in its free time.

  4. You can go ride Mission: Space and then go watch an actual mission to space take off in the same day.

  5. First of all, we’re the Commonwealth of Virginia so we probably wouldn’t say the great state of Virginia. What sets us apart is the combination of age and diversity of economy we have.

  6. California is so great we live rent free in so many people’s heads. Which is ironic since rent is outrageous in California.

  7. Snacks. We make most snack foods in the US.

    On an unrelated note, due to Pennsylvania’s lattitude, mountainous terrain, Eastward orientation on the continent and a couple other things, we are most similar ecologically to Japan but without the earthquakes or fishing.

    Our flora and fauna are remarkably similar too.

  8. Pulled off a vast conspiracy to insinuate that a tomato topped cheese casserole is actually a pizza.

  9. There’s landlocked, then there’s double landlocked, and then there’s us… The great state of corn

  10. The Great State of Oregon has the highest number of actual hippies. Not the hipsters that you see in big cities either, I’m talking straight outta Woodstock, knit caps and dreads hippies

  11. I’m pretty sure Rhode Island only ever means this sarcastically. Don’t get me wrong, I love it here. But I’m not stupid.

  12. >We always hear the phrase “The Great State of $State.”

    We do?

    I only tend hear people use that during the roll-calls at political conventions.

  13. Alcohol. Lots and lots of alcohol. I also recently learned that we have the mustard museum.

  14. We had the original US Capitol, Declaration of Independence was signed here, Constitutional Convention was here. I think that’s pretty awesome.

  15. I live in a town in PA that’s 20 min from Philly, 40 min from the beach and an hour from Hershey. 1.5 hrs from mountainous Poconos for hikes, kayaking and skiing. 2 hrs from Lancaster where a great population of Amish live. My area is so diverse and lots to do.

  16. I like to think of MA as a crabby old wizard who mostly lives in the woods, but occasionally emerges to tell the other states about some new thing it’s done that they’ll have to deal with.

    1775: “I’ve picked a fight with our mother country and already shot like 50 dudes.”

    1876: “I call this a ‘telephone,’ enjoy.”

    2004: “Gay people can get married now, I have declared.”

  17. Illinois has Chicago and prairie. Please ignore the lower third of the state.

  18. Oregon is gorgeous. Great weather. Nice folks. Multnomah falls, the Gorge, Crater Lake, Pacific coast,

  19. No self serve gas and corrupt politicians at all levels of our government.

    Plus we endlessly debate about the proper name for a breakfast meat that really doesn’t exist once you get further than a state away from us.

  20. The Great State of Washington dazzles all, from the shores of the Makah’s Neah Bay on the northwest tip of the mountainous Olympic Peninsula, to the rolling fields of wheat kissing the Palouse. From the old growth trees of the Hoh Rainforest, to the feeding grounds of orcas in the bays of the San Juan Islands, to the to the long and pristine Lake Chelan. From the majesty of the riverfront park in downtown Spokane above Spokane Falls, to the serenity of the Washington Park Arboretum in the heart of urban Seattle. That’s not even to mention the glacial wilderness of the Cascade Mountains, which divide the state west and east, or the winter wonderland Snoqualmie Pass, less than an hour east of Seattle, becomes come ski season. The Great State of Washington has something for just about everyone. Let’s keep it our little secret.

  21. Insane gun-totin’, pickup truck-drivin’, cowboy hat-wearin’, huge ego-havin’, gerrymanderin’, rednecks. J/k it’s the BBQ and Tex-Mex food

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