**TLDR- A guy(27m) I’ve (29f) been casually seeing for the last six months or so is starting to peak my interest in a more romantic way. I can’t decipher if I’m reading into things too deep or it’s really something there worth addressing. Should I speak up about this or just enjoy how we are**

Background info. We met at a mutual friend’s birthday party and quite literally hooked up the first night. I assumed we’d never talk again and that would just be a ons. But no, that turned into us talking everyday, going on dates about once a week and him becoming a good-casual partner.

I’ve dated others along the way but around late March, I started loosing the desire to see other people so I would literally only go out with him. He compliments me everytime I see him, tells me how wonderful I am and we just get along great. I feel completely comfortable with him and we have had nights where we are just up late in bed talking about various things.

The thing is he’s a busy guy. Between working two jobs and then little side jobs for people (mount TVs, handyman stuff etc) he’s always on go. I admire who and how he is so I feel like I appreciate him from afar. He’s never explicitly said he didn’t want a relationship but based on his lifestyle I just assume he’s not at that point. He’s also never asked me for anything more than what we are.

Just as recent as a week ago we went out for dinner and he held my hand walking out. I jokingly said “oooo you’re holding my hand as if you like me.” He responded “I definitely like you”. To which I smiled and said the same thing back.

As I’m writing this I’m thinking well duhh he likes you, tell him your feelings are deeper! But I can’t really decipher if(because I’m not currently dating anyone else, I’m hyper focused on him) or if is truly something I should address with him. I worry about ruining our casual situation by saying I desire more. I mean he’s never asked…What are your thoughts?

1 comment
  1. Tell him that, but also tell him that it’s ok if he doesn’t return the feelings, and you still care about him and like him as a friend regardless

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