What are your thoughts about horror movies and books?

  1. I hate horror movies but tend to love horror books.

    I also really enjoy horror games so I’m honestly not sure what it is about the movies I hate, I just do.

  2. I prefer suspense to slasher or gory movies. Stuff like Get Out, Hitchcock movies, etc. But I think when done well, it’s *so* good and a lot of fun.

    I don’t read horror books. Just not for me.

  3. I’ve been very impressed by horror films in the past decade. We’ve gone from primarily schlock (which, hey, there’s a place for that too) to amazing movies like Get Out, Cabin in the Woods, and Midsomar. Horror is developing its own sub-genres, which is fantastic to see.

  4. I love them if they are done well. If they rely on disgust/shock value solely to sell, I don’t care about them since I’m a medical student who’s gone way beyond that shit. If they have creatively constructed and somewhat realistic psychological elements and generally more substance to them, they seem to me much more interesting.

  5. I get scared easily so I cannot watch horror movies. I think I’ve watched 3 my whole life, and none of those were by choice. I have played horror genre games and I actually really like those, I probably could do books as well. Images are what tends to stay in my mind the most.

  6. I hate horror movies because they make me unable to sleep. Horror books are boring to me.

  7. I don’t do either very well; my brain fixates on certain images sometimes and make it so I can’t sleep.

  8. I love horror movies, one of my favorite genres. I went to see The Black Phone the other day and it was really good, and I’m excited for some upcoming movies like Nope, Barbarian, The Invitation, Bodies Bodies Bodies, The Menu. I tend to like creature features, supernatural, slashers, gore, serial killer stuff, and tend to like psychological thriller types of movies less.

    I don’t read horror books, I don’t really know why. I like reading fantasy the most.

  9. I absolutely love anything horror unless it’s a visual medium where there’s just a ton of gore. I can’t really watch it and it gives me zero pleasure or entertainment, I just don’t get it. Give me non-gratuitous, shock value violence with a point besides just showing gross mutilation, and I can deal with it. But I much prefer subtle, tense, or psychological horror, with violence only used to further the story or tension, rather than being present for it’s own sake.

  10. I hate them. They seem to traumatize you in a weird way and that’s not good for your mental health… which is proven by science now. They actually say it worsens your mental health, which makes sense.

    Also, as a visual person, it took me literally years to forget certain images I saw in a horror movie!

  11. It’s the best!

    Horror is just a great tool to explore big themes and topics in a safe a controlled environment. It can also just be great escapism. Horror has a way of capturing a truth about the world that few other genres do. That’s not something new about it either. Horror didn’t just become elevated. It’s always been elevated.

  12. I absolutely ADORE horror books–movies, not so much. I feel imagining the book in your head will always be scarier than a scriptwriter could write. Only you know the things that scare you deep inside. I will also always be a fan of a good, psychological thriller. The gore is just there for shock value and just makes me think the director/writer is lazy.

  13. I love them! I’m reading a book by Stephen King’s son Joe Hill right now. He’s pretty talented

  14. Horror has always been my favorite genre. The more gory the better. I love psychological horror that keeps you on the edge of your seat.

  15. I love both. I love the really long, building, drawn out horror. I love that as a genre horror will take the worst parts of humanity and make you examine them. I like that horror is also a genre that will pick apart what we as a society tell ourselves to make us seem less awful than we are. Basically, I am all here for the social commentary.

    I also love Gothic horror. I love a good Gothic book that has an atmosphere so vivid you can basically taste it.

    Edit: I do draw the line at movies that are exploitative and just violent for the sake of violence. I know some people find them entertainung but I don’t usually. The most violent I like is a slasher like Scream.

  16. I honestly don’t understand what people like about horror. But if I have to choose, I would rather read books than see movies.

  17. I used to watch horror movies as a child, I loved them but then….I started to become scared and stopped watching them🤣🤣

    As for horror books, I haven’t read any yet..I’m more of a romance book reader.

  18. They may not be ‘real’ but someone had to think that shit up… that’s what makes them really scary. I try avoid putting that in my head because you can’t get it back out again. The disturbing stuff in particular rather than the made-you-jump stuff.

  19. I love Stephen King’s books through The Dark Tower series. Not a big fan of horror movies, though.

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