Hi! I’ve (30M) been using Bumble BFF for a few months now, and have met quite a few people on it. I don’t really like the idea of swiping left or right on “friends” but I’ve met a few good people on it so far. We are largely acquaintances but its always nice to get social exposure every once in a while. I’m currently in a relationship (27F), and we both agree I should try to meet more people, but recently we discussed me making female friends, and hopefully, some with a S.O. However, Bumble doesn’t seem to allow me to match with females unless its on Bumble Date. I’m wondering if it is too strange to use Bumble Date while letting people know that I’m not using it for dating purposes (*maybe double dates though!*), but rather, for friendships. If so, are there other mobile applications that could serve this purpose? I’d love any recommendations you can offer.

  1. I get the motive but not the best idea man. You’re going to get women who want your dick but pretend to be friends and it will get messy. I would recommend using meetups for hobbies you enjoy, or even starting a new one!

  2. Dating apps aren’t the place to find friends. You and your girlfriend could take up activities or join meet-ups to make new friends together but Bumble ain’t it.

  3. I get men liking me on bbf. Not sure why you can’t see women or maybe women are just not liking your profile

  4. Why are you specifically looking for women to befriend? Not accusing you of anything, but it seems a little odd. I don’t have an issue with my bf having female friends and he doesn’t mind me having male friends, but neither of us intentionally SEEK OUT opposite gender friendships. 🤔

  5. If you that worried about it, when you create your bumble BFF profile put your own gender as the opposite gender, hide it from public view, and your results will be the opposite.

  6. There are plenty of ways to make friends… dating apps aren’t one of them.

  7. Every time I see a guy on Bumble looking for friends I always assume they have hidden intentions.

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