We’ve been together and living together now for over a year. My last relationship really fucked me up so I outright refuse to have social media whilst in a relationship.
I had it briefly in the beginning – found he was commenting on porn stars pics and told him how it made me feel. We argued and eventually he unfollowed all the random accounts.
A few months ago he even made a comment how he was afraid to like his girl friends pictures online and how it might upset me.
Fast forward to tonight. I see him looking at a pic on ig he scrolled away from as I enter the room. It has a very distinct colour pattern.
I have an ig I strictly use to message my tattoo artist. I decide to look up a girl
I know lives in our town and he still followed after the first time. I allowed it thinking they are friends whatever. But still really sucked seeing him liking MULTIPLE pics of her – she’s a stripper so it’s all basically naked.
Day before my bday, even.

I am really bothered by this because I asked him not to. And the girls he followed are not like me at all. Im girly blonde and he liked goth chicks with black hair who wear chains and stuff. I even spiced up my lingerie to be more like their style. I give him everything he wants, it’s still not enough.

I tell him I saw it and I was upset. I get told I’m sad and pathetic. Called weird. And he said “I don’t want to be in a relationship like this”

I feel like this is definitely a problem I started. But I don’t think I’ll ever be okay with that and I’m only hurting myself if I’m not honest about how it makes me feel. I told him this from the beginning.

I am confused if I should be apologizing because I do feel like an asshole, but I feel like he is making no effort and it hurts.

  1. You need to work on your trust issues or else the same thing will repeat itself with new relationship.

  2. A lot of men fantasize w pics. If he isn’t texting or more? I’d say something like “dude, I’m right here.”

    E: I’m just an idiot tho

  3. Do you want to be with someone who calls you sad and pathetic, and threatens to break up to get their way, because you caught them doing something they promised not to do? Emotional abuse.

    You didn’t do anything wrong. There’s a lot of people who wouldn’t feel comfortable with their SO liking naked pics of the others on social media. Everyone makes mistakes even if he promised you, but then to turn it around on you like that is pretty shitty. You don’t need to apologize for your feelings, they’re valid.

  4. A person is allowed to be friends with opposite sex, allowed to like their pictures, allowed to even be friends and hang out.

    That goes for both of you.

    You making him promise to not like pictures is abuse itself. You need to get over your insecurities or don’t be in a relationship.

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