What’s worse when it comes to relationships (romantic or platonic) being proved right or being proved wrong and why?

  1. Both and neither. The only things that should be “provable” are trivial things that don’t matter to the substance of a relationship. If you find yourself in a relationship that relies on proving either yourself or your partner right or wrong, then there are some serious issues at hand.

    That being said, proving if a hotdog is a sandwich or if turquoise is considered green or blue are totally up for grabs.

  2. My experience: Being proven right. Shutting off your instincts and ignoring red flags because you want to open up, not be cynical and trust people again only to find out your worst assumptions of people were right all along is a hard pill to take.

  3. Depends on who you’re in the relationship with. If it’s someone who gloats, you don’t want to be proven wrong because you’ll never hear the end of it. If it’s someone who sulks, you don’t want to be proven right because it’ll just end up making both of you feel bad.

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