What is something you’re ashamed to admit you’re afraid of?

  1. This is weird but I’ve been scared of the sinking of the titanic since I was little

  2. Probably the reality that unless something big changes in my life I’ll end up at shit dead end jobs back to back barely making ends meet to do still nothing with my life.

  3. Zombies. They’re not even real yet they still freak me out. I can sit through any horror/supernatural/gore movie fine, but put me in front of a screen with zombies? I’m gonna have nightmares

  4. The dark, rollercoasters, being home alone, and the idea of small children walking throughout the house at night.

  5. Most insects including spiders. I’m legit almost paralyzed every time something aside from an ant or butterfly suddenly is close to me.

  6. I’ll fight a dude even if he’s bigger than me and risk getting my shit rocked if I have a good enough reason.

    But if I see a bee I’m outta there.

  7. I’m afraid of the dark, of bugs which fly and sting, and failure.

    And the anger of a gentle man.

  8. Being alone . Like you’re expected to be able to overcome things independently cos you’re a strong man. But the reality is I do wish I had somebody always supporting me.

  9. Bugs… except for a few. Ladybugs, wasps, bees, dragonflies, butterflies…

    But I’m fine with spiders. They keep me safe from the bugs.

  10. Making a move on someone who has previously expressed interest in me (for instance, I had a mate tell me he wanted to kiss me, I then sat there scared to make a move to kiss him, not because I don’t want to kiss a guy, but because I was scared of making him uncomfortable, brain went big brrrr)

  11. I know I’d probably get shit for saying this but spiders. For real why do they need that many legs?!

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