I understand visors for women as it can be more comfortable when their hair is in a ponytail rather than threading it through the small hole in the back of a baseball hat. I don’t understand the allure to wear a visit as a man though.

Genuinely curious and not trying to poke fun of anyone for their clothing choices.

  1. I have one and I bring it on summer hikes cause it is way less warm. I hate the look of them but they are hella good when doing something physical in the summer.

  2. I don’t wear visors but I would imagine they would get less hot than hats. I don’t wear hats almost ever but they can get hot when i do.

  3. I’ve never worn one, and I’ve never seen a guy wearing one other than on TV. Though I have seen them for sale all my life. I’m not sure where all these guys are who buy them.

  4. I imagine it is because things stay cooler if your head is not covered. The visor still does the primary job of keeping the sun and your sweat out of your eyes.

  5. Because we have nice hair we wanna show off and a hat crushes it down. Once you wear a hat, the hat has to stay on all day long. You can take a visor on and off. If you’re hair looks good, the visor looks good

  6. My hair gets permanently matted to my head in a hat. If I ever take it off I’ll look silly, and it cant be fixed without a shower.
    A visor mostly avoids this while still keeping rain and sun out of your eyes.

    For the most part though I avoid headwear entirely.

  7. I’m the dealer at the blackjack table jk

    Never saw the appeal of a visor.

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