So this guy is been trying to take me out for a few months but I was skeptical cuz he’s a few years younger.
I’m 36 and he’s 29. I just kept saying no and was not really replying . He kept trying and died for a chance to take me out .

So we ended up going on a date and it was great !!!! We hit it off and had an amazing time. None of us felt the age gap. He didn’t stop complimenting me.
He texted me after the date that he had a great time , and called me as well .
Then we kept interacting with me on social media and texting, and he asked to see me again so we went on a second date after four days .
I had a blast . We were holding hands , he was very attentive and acted like a gentleman.
We were laughing and having so much fun . The only thing is I believe we drink a bit too much and I might have acted silly and clumsy 🥴🥴🥴.
He called me a few hrs after the date but I didn’t answer as I passed out .:-/

The next morning I texted that I’m sorry I was already sleeping. We chatted for a bit and I said that I had a great time yesterday :). To which he replied –
“Wow yeah me too , very good time “
And I responded just with a smiley.

TLDR; It was yesterday morning and I haven’t heard from him yet. No text no interactions on social media ..
This keeps me wondering if I ruined it and he changed his mind .
Or I’m just freaking out? And if I should text him first this time and show I’m interested ?

  1. Yes, text him to ask *him* out for a 3rd date.

    And control your drinking this time.

  2. I think you’re worrying about the age gap too much. It’s no one’s business. He isn’t a teen, go for it.

  3. Sounds like everything’s going fine, he might be gauging your interest a bit by waiting on asking for a 3rd date.

  4. There’s a million possible reasons why he hasn’t been available… don’t immediately assume it’s anything to do with you. He might be worrying that you’re not that into him… I would absolutely make the next move.

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