19m here on a throwaway bc family knows my main

The past week or so I’ve been talking to a guy online. We agreed to meet up this morning at his place and though neither of us explicitly said it, I think we both expected it to be a hookup. I’d never had sex before, and when I got there I think all my logical thinking just completely abandoned me. I hadn’t ever asked about stds before and I stupidly didn’t even ask him to use a condom.

After it was done, I left pretty quickly and realized I’d made a lot of mistakes. I texted him asking about stds. He sent a screenshot of std results saying he’s negative for chlamydia and gonorrhea and a pic of a box of PREP that he claims he’s taking. I don’t really know him well enough to be sure that he’s telling the truth, but I think he is? I would hope he wouldn’t lie about anything std-related.

My question is what do I do now? I’m worried about anything insurance-related as I’m still on my parents’ plan but I’m not out to them yet, but I know my health is more important than having to come out to them in this unfortunate way. I know I made a ton of mistakes that I absolutely won’t repeat in the future, but any suggestions for immediate actions that I should take would be greatly appreciated.

  1. Free health clinic, or walk in clinic as a self pay are options for getting tested

  2. If you are in an urban area there should be free clinics to get tested (in 2-3 weeks). Or if you feel comfortable just tell your parents you want to get tested; no reason to tell them the sex of your partner. I’m sure they will at least be happy that you can realize a mistake and act responsibly.

  3. If you plan to engage in regular casual sexual encounters, you should get in the habit of regularly taking STD tests 3-4 times a year. You’ll have partners who will want to know that you have a clean sexual history and are being responsible

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