23M. Lately, after taking a break from dating because of Covid, I returned to date. However, the same problem of before reappeared: I dont know what I want, or wtv. When I go to dates, is either one of these 2: either I am very high energy, talking, flirting, making innuendos or jokes; or am i shy, very calm, my voice is very soft and dont show interest whatsoever. It depends of how I like the person. Usually, when I am chatty its because I like the person physical. However, even when I am calm or not showing intend, it doesnt mean that im not interested, but since i dont like the person as much physically i dont act like it. But that doesnt mean that i wouldnt like to go for a second date with them. I just dont know what to do. I get rejected by people that i wouldnt mind not having a second date, but since I acted very calm and not as vivid, I feel bad bcz I know how to act fun. It doesnt help that regardless of how I act, im better during the second dates… I just feel bad because I never get second dates, is either I end up having sex with them or I get ghost. I think that Im good looking but the moment that I open my mouth I lose all the charm (well, if i dont really like that person physically). I dont know if I want a relationship or just hookups, I prefer the former. But building chemistry with someone seems so hard for me.

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