I’m 16F and my boyfriend is 16M

Many of the people I talk to are really easy to make conversation with, I can always have deep conversations with my close friends without feeling judged. I’m someone who thinks a lot, a lot about the world and people in general. I’ve realized that a necessity in a romantic relationship for me is to have someone that I can talk to easily without feeling held back.

With my boyfriend, I can’t do that, the conversations are the same over and over again. When we’re calling, we’re mostly sitting in silence, whenever I try to bring something up to talk about, he either doesn’t carry on the conversation or he makes fun of me in a “joking” way.

I don’t feel like I’m being seen enough, I feel like he doesn’t actually care for me, we don’t talk about anything and I don’t want that. He’s a wonderful person, compliments me, is nice to me, and considerate and makes sure I feel okay, I don’t want to leave him. But I don’t know what to do about this, I would talk to him about it, but I feel like it would feel forced.

Tldr: I need good conversation in relationships but my boyfriend doesn’t fulfill that, what do I do?

1 comment
  1. Talk to him about it, and tell him you think you guys are possibly incompatible because of it. Hear his thoughts about it. He may agree, who knows. You are also incredibly young. You go through a lot of growth during that portion of your life.

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