Hello, my 23rd birthday is coming up in a week and I’ve never had sex without a condom. (I’ve had sex where the condom has broke and we had to buy a plan B after twice but that’s different sorta.) Anyways I’ve been with my girlfriend for a few months now and as a special birthday treat we want to do the do without a condom. They’re on birth control but I overthink things so I’d prefer to be as safe as possible. Our idea is to just buy a plan B before and take it right after I guess but I’m open to suggestions.

I do have a vasectomy scheduled but that’s not til October and then like 2 months after til I’m shooting blanks.


  1. Do you really want to risk it all, just because a day have past? Why not wait until after the vasectomy?

  2. I mean…there is no 100% safe way in the sense that you will be open for STIs in any case. If you mean safe “not to have kids” oral contraceptives are really good but if you are especially nervous she could wear a diaphragm…But it shouldn’t be necessary.

    Also 23 is really young to have a vasectomy, it’s not granteed that it can be reversed if ever you want kids in the future.

    Happy birthday 🎉

  3. You’re getting a vasectomy at 23? You’re that certain you don’t want to have kids?

    BC pills are extremely effective.

  4. If your gf is on birth control then there’s no issue. I don’t think she should be taking plan B based on irrational fear; if she hasn’t missed any doses then she shouldn’t be taking medication that has risks and isn’t intended to be used in that way.

  5. If you cum inside her pull put and make her jump and down for 5 minutes.


    But as stupid as that sounds is how stupid it sounds to:
    1) have a vasectomy at 23.
    2) go bareback just because it’s your birthday.

    You can do the pulling out and plan b but man things can happen.

    If you go raw there are risks and possible consequences. You have to be willing to accept that possibility.

  6. If your partner is on birth control and taking it properly (same time every day, no antibiotics), you’re 98% of the way there.

    You can add spermicide or a sponge and pulling out if you like.

  7. Hey, if your girlfriend is already on birth control and takes it on schedule and hasn’t missed any, you’re pretty much good to go without a condom. Plan B wouldn’t be necessary in that scenario. If you plan on pulling out too, obviously the risk is lesser still, but even if you ejaculate inside, the chances are almost nonexistent.

  8. Calculate how much of your income a child would cost you, then ask yourself if it’s really worth it

  9. Vasectomy result verification is a much more special occasion than a 23rd birthday, so your best bet is to save it for that day.

  10. There is no safe way without a condom unless you’re giving or receiving a hand job.

  11. Dude your girlfriend is on birth control…. Chill if that’s the case and you’re that worried just make sure you pull out too. Getting pregnant really isn’t as easy as everyone makes it out to be.

  12. At least you it will be easy to remember when your child was made.

    One day you can tell her she was made on your birthday. A verys special day![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)

  13. So, she is on BC, should be pretty safe but other than a condom and BC, not 100% foolproof. This one “special occasion” could turn out to be a lifetime of child.

  14. If she is taking birth control and not missing any days, that should be enough. Don’t fuck with her hormones further by introducing Plan B.

    If you’re that worried about pregnancy, don’t do this until after you get a vasectomy and the all clear from follow up tests.

  15. Why not try a new condom, an ultra thin or lamb skin if you really want to shake it up for your birthday, which I think she should have the say on if she wants to do this or not.

  16. They can’t even physically ovulate, why take a pill that forcefully delays ovulation? Plan B has side effects. Hormonal, physical, emotional. IMO it wreaks havoc on your body. I wouldn’t ask someone to take it except in a true emergency. My advice would be to use spermicide, phexxi, or pull out.

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