We already had 4 dates with each other, and i was the one who always planned the date. The first 3 times i was fine, but now i kinda find it annoying to always plan something.

I don’t want to have the feeling of dragging her into every meetup to a random activity, like right now i have so many ideas on what we could do on a date, but her input is important for me too.

After the 2nd date i told her that, her input is important for me, and that she also has the freedom to drop some ideas for activities. She just said hmm i Don’t know, maybe walking through a park or game room, ahh game room would be bad because we would need more than 2 people to make it fun.

And i mean man, those ideas coming from her didn’t really sound enthusiastic to my ear, its like she doesn’t care, but not caring is also not an answer for me.

Now the 5th date is coming along when im going to text her.
I wanted to see the minions with her in a cinema with double couple seats, but its just annoying planning everything only to find out she didn’t even liked the movie or didn’t really wanted to be there.

Its like she shows no effort. But she showed effort when giving me birthday gifts, she drawed me something, gifted me a plushy, tshirt, some notes and yeah. Im just annoyed and confused

  1. Two ideas.

    Maybe she truly doesn’t care and just wanna touch your private parts. A lot of women these days don’t go out to eat or dates and skip right to the action. Ask her favorite date that wasnt with you. If she says she’s new to this or hardly goes out to places its cuz guys deal with her in places like homes. Look into the type of guys that tingle her fancy

    You’re a man aren’t you? The leader. Don’t give up or share this type of power. Continue leading & taking active action. But because 5 dates later only a kiss was given then she’s probably milking this date thing.

  2. I think planning the first 5 dates is in the realm of normal. But, I do get what you’re saying.

    I would do a picnic in a park (at her suggestion) or plan a hike. I have also done games nights with two people and it be really fun! Does your city have game cafes? They’d have plenty of suggestions for 2 people. My husband and I used to play cribbage on dates in the beginning. You could also text and say “Thai or Mexican tonight?” to get her involved.

  3. Some people are planners and others aren’t. I’m a planner and someone that likes to make things happen so it is frustrating to work with people that don’t know what they want. It’s like how some friends end up being the “driver” despite everyone else having a car. They get used to it and go with the flow. So I wouldn’t worry about it, just something to accept and take indirect feedback from the different places you go.

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