I’m a shy guys so I’m very threatened by outgoing guys. I’m well aware of my flaws. If I dont talk I feel like everyone thinks I’m mad. I’m very socially awkward. I can’t carry a conversation past a few sentences.

Outgoing guys what are the flaws you see in being outgoing?

  1. > I’m well aware of my flaws

    Stop that. It’s not helping thinking about your flaws. Think about your good things. Loyalty? Humour? Listening?

  2. If you define outgoing as extroverted. Then according to big five personality research, a potential flaw of extroversion is that they tend to be impulsive and swept up in the crowd in a group setting (even if what the crowd is doing is not good for anyone involved). That doesn’t mean everyone who is extroverted has those flaws, just that they are more likely than introverts to have it.

  3. I’m not a guy but I take that guy as in general pronoun. XD

    So I have noticed in myself that I constantly get this urge(?) to please people, as in how to fit in better. I feel the need to laugh when I don’t want to, gossip what I don’t want to, be active when I don’t want to be because people already have this idea of me always happy and energetic. And people will think I’m deliberately starting up a fuss if I’m silent or less “outgoing”.

    Sometimes I get relied on a lot. Just because I’ve been outgoing, fun, brave since young, many people have asked me for risky favors and I was gradually seemed as “the most reliable” which I absolutely hate it to be.

    I get lonely easily if I’m not with people.
    Also if I see people in a group talk or giggle to each other only, my anxiety shoots up.

    I even sometimes feel like I’m actually not outgoing but just pretending to be, but apart from the negative feelings, I love being in crowds, I enjoy the noisiness, I love to be in every social activities and I feel the most confident when I’m being active.

    Sooo, maybe outgoing people are just as insecure.

    **This is my experience. Others may feel differently**

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