Im a very sti conscious person and I ask new partners if they’ve been tested recently or if they would mind getting tested before hand. I offer to get tested too, its free in Canada and barely an inconvenience.

Its always gone well, ive never had someone complain or feel insulted from asking for them to get tested. But thats always a worry in the back of my mind.

Do you ask new partners to be tested before you do anything? Or do you still got some faith in humanity? Do you ever get pushback and if do what do you do?

  1. I do, I’ve only had one partner have a negative reaction, and I walked away without hesitation.

  2. It’s been a while, but yes. I became sexually active when straight couples were a lot more worried about AIDS so it just seemed logical to me. Even it’s a hookup situation I would expect to give information on most recent test results and whether I had sex with other partners since then. If it’s a potential LTR where condoms may not be used then I would suggest that we both get tested and share results. Never had any negative feedback, but I’m a guy; I have the uninformed impression that women asking for testing may encounter some guys that are jerks about it.

  3. I would, yes.

    >Or do you still got some faith in humanity?

    Fuck that. Anyone can carry a disease. It’s not a moral failing.

    If I got push back, I would immediately stop interacting with that person.

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