So I needed a tutor in order to pass a subject- my tutor is 21 and I’m 18. I really found her attractive and think she’s nice and I finally completed my final exam therefore I don’t have her or see her anymore as there are no need for lessons… I get my results this august and I plan on emailing her whether I pass or not when I get my results but I also really wanna let her know I like her asap. So do I ask her out now or do I wait for my results to avoid seeing her again if I fail the exam as well as being rejected by her? Also how do I ask my tutor out in the first place? Please any advice

1 comment
  1. It’s better to do it in person so, if you don’t think you’ll see her again otherwise, then take your shot now. Ask if she wants to get a coffee or something.

    That being said, do you have any reason to believe she’s interested in you? Do you know if she has a boyfriend? The whole situation would seem weird to me and I’d probably accept it’s just a crush and move on but that’s me. Go for it. See what happens. If she rejects you, no big loss.

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