My sister promised me $500 for submitting a very important assignment on her behalf. After she got an A she reversed and started pissing me off asking me why do I need money. She has zero intention of paying me back. Do you think I should expose her? Contacting her professor and letting them know I’m the one who did the work?

  1. How about talking to her rationally first, telling her that a deal is a deal etc. Outline exactly what will happen if her professor finds out she cheated on her degree.

    Then perhaps try talking to your parents with her about it? Try to get a resolution rather than dobbing her in to her professor.

    If all else fails, yeah, fuck her. She cheated the class and also cheated you. Usually I’d say something about not screwing up her future but she seems to want to do it all on her own.

    Also, don’t do any more of her work, you’re enabling her behaviour.

  2. Depends how petty you are I guess. I probably would but I’m mad petty. It will probably get her kicked out of college if you do. You could just tell your parents and ask them to make her pay you, and say you’ll rat her out if she doesn’t. Depending on the kind of people they are, they’ll either make her pay, tell the school themselves, or get mad at you. If they get mad at you and don’t help, I would just tell the Professor

  3. Are you also in school? because academic dishonesty burns both people, if they both are.

  4. If she gets kicked out of school (definitely a possibility) will your parents blame you? You could also face serious consequences from the university if you are a student. If you rat her out you need to be prepared for everyone to know what you did. I think she’s the shitty person here, but you could easily get burned and people might take her side depending on if she is a good manipulator.

  5. My only advice would be to not help her again and let her grades speak for themselves.

  6. If it was me, I’d probably just take the L and let it go.

    I wouldn’t expose her but I think revenge equals bad karma and I don’t want that on my hands.

    This whole ordeal shows you that she’s selfish and untrustworthy, never help with her an assignment again and ghost her until she apologizes and/or pays you.

    If you really want to take action, take her to small claims court. If you have an agreement in writing (or text), you can likely get a judgement that forces her to pay you.

  7. I’d give her a deadline. She has four weeks to pay you back. Or two weeks to make a first payment that is at least half of the rate and a set date until she’ll pay the agreed-upon fee. If she doesn’t pay you until this date her professor will get an email with proof that she didn’t do the assignment but hired you instead. Her choice then if she wants to get exposed or not.

    If your family is mad, ask them if they’re fine with being screwed over and working for free.

  8. Cut her out of your life. If you can’t, just don’t talk to her. Anytime she tries to talk to you, just answer “where’s my money?”, “I want my money” or something like that. If people ask, explain. If they complain, tell them it doesn’t really matter where the money comes from, you just want to get payed – if your parents, her boyfriend or anyone else pays you, that’s now a debt between them and your sister; not your problem anymore. She either pays you (and you keep low contact and never do anything for her again), somebody else pays you or she gives up trying to talk to you – either way, it’s a win.

    Now, she doesn’t seem really smart, so there’s a good chance she’ll try to get you to do something for her again. Refuse at first because of this whole situation, then ask to see the assignment, explain how much time it’ll take, and charge no less than 700 bucks. Upfront. Cash. When she pays you, act as if you have no idea what she’s talking about – that was the payment from what she owed you plus interest. If she still *really* want you to do the new assignment, offer your price – and charge upfront.

  9. Exposing is her is not a good thing for You: Your parents will be pissed cause they paid for her tuition most likely. Your sister will try to take revenge on You. She will not graduate, and be a money drain for the near future.

    I would bring it up with Your parents in the room, and just not help her anymore. Consider this lesson learned, she is not to be trusted.

  10. I would think about your goal here. If you want her to hurt, there are probably less risky/dramatic ways to hurt your sister. If you want her to see the error of her ways, reporting her probably won’t do that. She’ll see herself as the victim even though she’s in the wrong. If you just want the satisfying rush of getting revenge, I really think that’s empty calories. Revenge feels good because it feels like justice is being served, but there will be no justice here. She will continue to be selfish and abusive, probably just leaning harder on your parents if she gets kicked out of school.

    It sounds like you’ve learned that you can’t trust her, and all the lesson cost you was some wasted time acing somebody else’s assignment. It’s unfair, but I don’t think there’s a good way to make this right. Just keep reminding yourself that it’s way better to be you than to be her, even if she has $500 extra.

  11. Damn in my family I would just call her out on it and then fight in the living room. Scrap it out lol.

  12. tell her you will go to the professor before you do. Inform her you go there if she doesn’t pay, just to be fair to her

  13. Easy. Let it go and next time she needs something from you then you just ask “the amount for this + $500 upfront”.

  14. I think you should have a good conversation with her about the promise, about how you helped her out and what that did for her. See if you can’t reach her that way, if that doesn’t work maybe talk to your parents about it. Either way this is the last time you help her out, regarding anything until she pays and apologises. I wouldn’t go so far as ruin her life.

  15. Publish the paper online under your name. When her professor will check if it’s plagiarised, they’ll find your paper

  16. No don’t tell because you will be in trouble too. Mess with her head. Tell her that you “confessed to writing papers for students” and that the university called the police on you for fraud. You haven’t given her up yet but you will sing like a canary unless she gives you $500 for bail. Stay at a friend’s place for the week.

  17. I’ll probably get downvoted to oblivion for this but here goes –

    When your sister asked you to help her cheat she exposed herself as a dishonest person. When you assisted her you exposed yourself as the same. Somehow you’re surprised that one dishonest person pulled a fast one on another dishonest person. Lol.

    Your sister is a cheater and you enabled it. As you go through this life eventually you will realize the only thing you have of real value is your name and the integrity attached to it. Your sister threw hers away and you sold yours for $500.00.

    Whether you turn her in or not, whether you do this for someone else in the future – you never truly “get away” with anything. Somewhere along the line your dishonesty will catch up to you (and her) and you’ll both deserve whatever that is.

    And now you want revenge. For what? Not being paid for your dishonesty? I don’t care what you do because you’re both despicable.

  18. If you are not a student at that institution and there could be zero blowback sure you could expose the lies, however I would compose the letter forward her a copy along with your cashapp address and simply say “its time to pay the piper”

    Next time get the cash upfront.

  19. How common it is for me to ask you favors? If there is a chance you could take advantage of that, you could “agree” to do something for her next time, and drop it in the last minute. Or just outright “i’ll do it when you pay me” or similar.

    Taking revenge as of right now would probably screw her big time, not sure if it would be worty

  20. Just get over it and move on tbh. Remove toxic people from your life by not talking to them or seeing them anymore. Going forward with snitching will only lead to more pain and suffering for multiple parties. It’s only $500, petty amounts in the grand scheme of things.

    Dragging this out will only lead to massive fights and stress. Why bother when you can just forget about it and move on with your life with 1 less person that’s apart of it.

  21. I would give her an ultimatum: either she pays you full or you write an email to her professor saying how you were the one who wrote her essay (include any texts/ snaps for proof). She made her bed, now she gets to lie in it, cause she won’t make it in the real world like that.

  22. If you are not in school, and cannot face repercussions for academic dishonesty you can threaten her with it as leverage. She doesn’t have a leg to stand on because she will get in serious trouble if she gets caught. She really has no choice but to pay you. If you are in school, well, that’s a different story.

  23. Just let this one slide and tell her you won’t be helping her anymore. Next time—payment up front.

    Seriously though, you’re not doing her any favors by doing her work for her.

  24. In the future, payment must be up front. If you won’t get burned for academic dishonesty, burn her. Every school I know expels for this. Of course you should make her regret fucking with you.

  25. Maybe the lesson you learned is worth $500.

    Now you have a good reason to never help her again.

  26. I think outing her is a bit of an extreme reaction. She is definitely in the wrong, but ultimately if you can’t find a compromise, I feel like you might have to take the loss. Totally unfair and I hate saying it, but I just don’t see what you can reasonably do in this situation in response to her actions. Under no circumstances should you take her at her word again though. She’s proven it’s no good.

  27. If potentially losing your relationship with your sister is worth the $500 you won’t see anyways, then sure.

    Otherwise keep nagging her or let it go and never do anything for her again without payment up-front.

  28. I would tell her a deadline she has to pay either half, or full, or deal with the consequences, and not tell her what it is.

    If she doesn’t I would completely ignore her, so not talk to her, listen to her, look at her.
    This would most likely lead to your parents would ask what’s going on, and you tell she didn’t keep her promise and you’re not engaging with a liar. I’m guessing they will ask for details, and you can say it’s her creating her own problem, and she can tell them what she did.

    It will be quite hard to tell your parents that you made your sister so your job, and wanted to pay her, and now you didn’t even pay her, so she isn’t taking to you anymore.

    Even if this ends up that she will pay you, I would still keep her at a distance for her to prove she really wants you in her life, and wants to repair the damage she dealt to your relationship.

    To me it doesn’t look like she actually appreciate what you did to her, and that you helped her, and if she looks like you like you are someone on Fiverr, you know it’s not a good relation and you don’t need her anymore, and thereby just cut out of your life.

    The best thing is to have people who understand your value in their life, which your family ideally should do.

  29. I’d be straight up and saying youre exploring your options and that includes messaging the school due to unpaid services rendered. She really cant counter it with anything since that would essentially out herself. You could also tell her youre willing to negotiate a settlement to collect at least something.

    On the flip side, cash up front moving forward. Or just stay away from sketch situations as well.

  30. Revenge? No. Let her dig her own holes.

    I think you need to cut her out of your life cold turkey for a while. This is some wild toxic bullshit and she needs to learn how to write her own assignments.

    Hopefully she will pay you what she owes you when she grows the hell up, but in the meantime don’t do her favors like this. Favors that include letting her opinions matter to you.

  31. $500 is a STEEP payment. I don’t know anyone in school who could afford that. Try a lower price lol I wouldn’t burn that bridge with your sister tho and tell on her… 100-200 seems more doable.

  32. Give her a payment deadline for at least half, otherwise you’re sending an email to her professor with proof that you did the assignment. Since you’re not in school, it has no ramifications against you, but many against her. It would be in her best interest to pay up or face expulsion.

  33. No, revenge is never the right answer, two wrongs don’t make a right. Just don’t trust her with anything and when she realizes the trust has been broken, and when she wants to repair it, that’s all the vengeance you’ll need.

  34. Time for a life lesson. If she hired any other professional for any other work and refused payment what would happen? Give her a dead line and possible payment options as if you were a business. Hope she comes around. Academic suspension is no joke in my experience and will probably mess her up pretty good. Yet also who wants a professional who payed someone else to take their exams? Just saying.

  35. I don’t think “revenge” should ever be something to seriously consider. I would have a conversation with her saying “look, I’m not mad that you won’t give me 500 bucks, I’m mad that you SAID you would give me 500 bucks in return for a favor, and then only after that favor had been made you turned your back on your promise. That is a lot of money and I feel used- if you weren’t ever going to give me that money, why the hell would you offer? I wouldn’t have said yes if you didn’t offer to pay me, and you knew that. If you aren’t going to give me that money then you need to do something else for me because I did this favor for you without any reciprocation

    Edit: I’d also add you should probably say something about how bad of a calculation this was on her part. Not only was she trying to cut corners and cheat to get her degree, but she also cheated the person who helped her cheat. She can’t get by in life thinking that she is going to be able to coast like this in the future, and it is going to cause a LOT of problems both professionally and personally (already putting a huge strain on her closest family relationships)

  36. Don’t do anything that would ruin her life, it’s your sister ffs. She owes $500, so let it be about that. Pursue it reasonably. It’s just money, it comes and it goes.

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