My boyfriend (M22) of 2 years still lives with his mum. She sees him as competition and on several occasions tries to treat him like a partner. This particular time my boyfriend is meant to be coming to my house to stay for the weekend. Instead he’s going on a dinner date with his mum to celebrate his due date (I.e. the day he was meant to be born…)I feel like my boyfriend prioritises her too but gets extremely defensive about her.

  1. He’s made it clear you aren’t important. Literally he took space from you to focus on his priorities. Mommy is important. You aren’t.

    Find someone who sees you as important

  2. They are celebrating his due date??!!

    Ahem- he never exited the womb. He’s still in there.

  3. please believe me when I say this, You do not want to deal with the headache that is a mama’s boy.

    A man who loves his mother is sought after, a manchild who lives at the beck and call of his mommies boob is to be avoided like the plague.

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