I 18f have a boyfriend 18m. I measured his dick a couple years ago for the fun of it and he was around 14cm.

Then recently he tried to claim it was 16cm now and I’m like don’t get me wrong I love it but when we measured it was 100% 14

So we do it again and It’s 16cm. Like wtf?

I thought you just kinda had your dick size and that was it. At what point does it stop lol.

  1. Men usually stop growing just after 18 years old and occasionally can be more, so yes not only is it possible but it’s almost inevitable.

  2. Just a heads up penises aren’t the same size every time they get hard, depends on a variety of factors in the same way a flaccid penis can range between inches throughout the day. This can explain the difference quite easily

  3. The size can vary a lot depending on several factors for example temperature and how turned on he is. So it’s kinda difficult to get a proper measurement.

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