Hi. My fiance and I have been with each other for 4 years. He is emotionally abusive and controls our money. He has hit me a couple times in the past and also either broke or sprained my thumb. I’ve been scared to leave and he says he will change (and it truly seems like he’s trying to change) yet he keeps slipping back into how he was previously. I came to the realization that I am basically asking him to stop being a dick and to treat me with respect and I want out. However, we are engaged and our wedding is in 2 months. We’ve spent so much money on the wedding.
If I leave will he be able to sue me after for it?
Sorry if my question is dumb but I couldn’t find an answer anywhere.

  1. You can sue for anything really…

    I think that it depends on where you are. If I were you, I’d document everything he’s put you through for your records either way. The last thing you need is to not have a paper trail or something to defend yourself.

  2. Leave him. Now. Fuck the money. Do you want to spend the rest of your life with this abusive asshole because you are worried about money? Not worth it. Life’s too short.

  3. That’s a /r/legaladvice question. But just focus on getting away from him safely for now. It’s not like you can marry him to avoid a lawsuit.

  4. Where do you live? Are you in the U.S.? If yes, what state?

    Some U.S. states have laws that allow suits for “breach of contract” concerning weddings after a party has spend money in preparation.

    But if your safety (mental and physical) is in jeopardy, leave now and worry about a lawsuit later on.

  5. 1st thing, stop putting your money in his control.

    2nd Check the contracts for what can be refunded.

    3rd, get somewhere safe!!

  6. You are absolutely badass! Making the decision to leave and cancel the wedding is courageous!

    I think worrying about whether or not your abusive fiance could possibly sue you for canceling your wedding is not really something you need to worry about, because of the domestic violence issue.

    Cancel everything you can and don’t be shy about telling family and friends that you are leaving him because he’s abusing you.

    You can do this!!

  7. You can leave him and file charges for assault. Even if he sues for the wedding expenses, the fact that he’s been abusing you will probably have the courts rule in your favor.

    Being sued has to be better than being legally tied to this guy. Please make your escape now before he has even more control of your earning.

  8. Speak to a lawyer and BREAK UP WITH HIM! Once you’re married, you will be his personal punching bag and once you have a kid or two, it will only get worse. Is that the kind of marriage that you want? To be bruised, abused and controlled? GET OUT NOW!

  9. Find what you can get a refund on, get your money and dip!! Screw the wedding and go find the life you deserve. So glad you came to that conclusion before you marry that jackass! You deserve and will find better 💕

  10. Please, please follow through and leave him. You should never need to ask your partner to not hit you.

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