I really like Maroon 5 and they’re coming to my city in August. My boyfriend was suppose to take me for my birthday as it is in August as well however, we broke up before we were able to go. Going through this break up, I’ve been listening to Maroon 5 a lot and decided I still want to go with or without him. Unfortunately none of my friends particularly like their music. Should I still go? Is that weird?

  1. It’s not weird, not at all, go enjoy your self. You probably won’t regret seeing the band in person compared to passing up on the opportunity. Sure it’s a different vibe from being with friends, but it’s something that you can experience…ie,independence.

  2. How is that weird? People commonly go in groups but it’s not required. Just go. Have fun

  3. nah its not weird, last month I watched a movie at the cinema by myself because I felt like I needed some alone time. As it turns out, it was a better experience because there’s no one there to bother you with questions every 5 seconds 😉

  4. I went to one alone. I was sooooooooo keen on seeing this artist and I knew if I didn’t go I’d never go in my life! But I pushed through the anxiety and stood there and jammed by myself. Don’t feel bad. We all end up alone one day don’t waste any opportunities not going to anything

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