What’s your reaction when you see a mouse run across the floor?

  1. Be surprised on how it would’ve gotten here and then try to catch it/capture it in a live trap.

    Low-key wish I could tame it keep it as a pet, but I’d just release it in one of the fields or woods nearby as soon as I catch it.

  2. Ugh, get out the (no-kill) mousetrap. My cat will alert me if she sees one but is scared of everything.

  3. Catch it. And also realising this means I have to check our cupboards and pantry.

  4. * Be surprised that there’s a mouse in here.
    * Watch where it goes, catch it if I can to release it outside.
    * Try to distract the cats or at least keep them away while trying to catch it.
    * If I can’t catch it immediately, place a humane live trap in the area where I saw it using some peanut butter as bait to catch it and then release outside.
    * Check for how it entered, check food items, do what I can to prevent others from following it.

  5. I would wonder how it got in because the house is sealed tight. Then I would look for potential entrances and seal them. Then I would humanely catch the mouse and release it.

  6. Make a surprised exclaimation and then wonder where the fuck Gully found a mouse since I haven’t been letting her out lately. If she chases it under the bar cart I’ll need to get the broom, but she’ll likely catch and eat it before I can chase it out.

  7. I’m used to it. I stay in Boston, loads of them running around here and there hehe

  8. Attempt to rescue it and release it elsewhere so my cats and dogs don’t injure or kill it. (It’s also unsafe for pets to consume rodents.)

  9. My first thought would be that my cat is not doing a good job.

    I would point her to the missed prey, but if I could catch it, I would pet it (here they are very tame, probably because we see each other every day lol) and release it somewhere in the wild. 🙂

  10. A barrage of swears, followed by mousetraps and some worried remarks about the garter snakes in the yard. Are they okay? Normally they keep the mice out.

  11. My cat is a mouse assassin. If there is a mouse, he literally will not rest until he’s killed it. So probably just point it out to the cat, go relax upstairs for an hour, and come back to a mouse free apartment and a very proud cat.

  12. I’d start packing. I grew up around roaches/mice infestations and I refuse to ever fucking do it again. It gives me the creeps and i physically cannot go to sleep because of it:

  13. At work yesterday while I was crying to my co workers I saw one and literally I was like “oh a mouse!” And kept crying 😂😂

  14. Screech like a banshee and get on something that gets me off the floor. Yes, I’m basically a cartoon. No, I’m not ashamed. Mice are disgusting. I’d eventually talk myself down and put out traps that I’d make my husband dispose of. I grew up on a farm and know that if you put them outside they’ll just come inside again, so it’s snap traps for me.

  15. Startled. I *hate* them and we have them in the house. We already caught two and we aren’t sure if there are any more (but probably there are). We deep cleaned everything and there’s no way for them to access food now.

    I don’t care about spiders or small insects as much but mice are just so big, unclean and destructive that they really freak me out.

  16. I’d be surprised/scared at first. But when I realize it’s a mouse, I’m no longer scared. I think they’re kinda cute… but I’ll have to catch it somehow before it starts to ruin cables or other things.

  17. Wonder where it came from then think how cute it is.

    When I was younger there was a mouse in my parents place, every night after I went to bed the mouse would walk into my room, stand there then make a noise, I would say hello it then walked back to the hole it came out off

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