What matters for you? What do you value? Friendship? Passion and lust, attraction?

What’s been important for happiness in your long term relationship?

Thanks lovely people😀❤

1 comment
  1. A few years ago, there was a mouse in our house and I could *not* sleep with all the racket and not being able to catch it. My husband woke up hearing my distress. He rolled out of bed at 4am despite having work in a few hours, looked up a humane trap and found a bucket peanut butter trap. However, we didn’t have a bucket at home at the time…so he went out in the freezing cold, bought a bucket, and came home and set up the bucket trap. I apologised for being annoying since he had work soon and he said sleepily ‘honey, you are worth all the buckets at 4 in the morning.’ An hour later, mouse was caught

    Things like that really make me fall inlove with my husband all over again. And he goes out of his way for me consistently. It’s like I’m never too much work for him. Effort is definitely a huge part of how long lasting we have been (20 years all up now)

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