As an Eastern Asian we play dota a lot, but i heard that in America league is more popular so I wondered how many of you guys play dota and what is the reason you prefer dota over league and vice versa?

  1. The only MOBA I enjoyed was Heroes of the Storm. Blizzard put it into maintenance mode because while it was profitable, it wasn’t profitable “enough”. Greedy bastards.

    Regardless, I always found League and DotA too slow compared to HotS.

  2. Questions about “how many of you guys do something” are tough. There are 330 million Americans. If 3 million people play Dota 2, that’s a lot of people, but it’s 1% of the country.

    We’re a massive population, very very few things have universal appeal. You’re also asking a demographic (reddit) of mostly white men between the ages of 18-35. You’re not going to get a representative answer of “how popular” a video game is. I’m a white guy a little older than that, I’ve never heard of Dota 2, but I also don’t play any of this type of game.

    Maybe one of the gaming subs could give a better answer about the popularity of Dota 2 compared to other games.

  3. I have heard about that game on reddit, I don’t know anyone that plays it. I think Americans play it.

  4. I never played DOTA. I had some friends who did, but League was my jam through college and I didn’t see any point to picking up another game that’s basically the same game

  5. Used to. NA East server is a zombie and I’m tired to shit of the personalities in the upper echelons of mmr

  6. I never got into those types of games, MOBAs. I grew up playing Halo 2 and 3, Medal of Honor, COD, Madden, NBA Live and NBA 2k, etc. I grew up gaming on consoles and my first video game experiences where in the early 2000s. Games like league of legends and Dota where never something I ever got to experience.

  7. League of legends is definitely more popular here, but there are people who play dota.

  8. Yes. We play, but not nearly to the same extent as other parts of the world. I think Asia and South America both outrank North America in the percentage of overall DOTA 2 players. League seems to be more popular here, but I couldn’t tell you why — except maybe that it’s less complex and easier to pick up than DOTA 2. For the average player, it probably comes down to what your friends play. My friend group plays DOTA 2, so I play DOTA 2.

  9. I tend to prefer single player rpgs. Rn I’m having a lot of fun with Mount & Blade Bannerlord

  10. I played Dota 2 for about a year. I am just a more casual gamer now. So I just want a fun experience more than really tactical play. So I basically play LoL ARAM and Heroes of the Storm.

  11. The answer to does anyone in America do X is pretty much always yes given that there are 350M+ people.

    I personally don’t play Dota 2 or LoL. Communities seem pretty toxic and it’s just too much effort to invest to actually get good.

  12. Dota sort of comes I waves. A few years ago almost everyone I knew played it. Then it sort of dropped down and it seems like people are playing again.

    I think Dota is sort of a backup game. Other games come up, so people play them, but then comes back to Dota to play with everyone.

  13. Dota is popular, but league is more popular.
    League has simpler mechanics, and less realistic graphics. You can forfeit a losing game and games don’t last as long.

    But that’s just my personal preference. People play both games and they love them equally.

  14. MOBAs have a reputation for having toxic as shit communities, _especially_ DOTA.

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