Hey fellas I genuinely struggle with dating because of this. It saps my confidence. I’m told I’m an incredible guy, kind funny intelligent athletic interesting passionate man. I have hobbies. I’ve travelled. But when it comes to the women I want, they run. It does takes a bit for me to warm up to women I’m attracted to and I do get nervous. But I would think all these things would carry some weight no? It’s been a cycle for years since high school, and frankly I’m just tired frustrated and confused. Any thoughts?

  1. Dude, if you “take time to warm up” they probably experience that not as anxiety, but resistance or lack of interest.

  2. It’s difficult to be self-aware about this, but you just might be creepy🤷

  3. looks = / = good partner.

    and the other self proclaimed stuff is just that. self proclaimed.

  4. I mean…if you give off creep vibes or can’t carry on a decent conversation when you like her or some other problem like that no it doesn’t count for much.

    You’re the common denominator, here, you need to look at your actions and figure out what might be going here.

  5. Okay, don’t take this the wrong way and I don’t mean to be offensive. But are you attracted to men, at all? If so, you might want to explore those feelings.

  6. Lower your standards and just get a feel for things, once your comfortable go chase your crushes.

  7. Attraction.. literally has to go both ways.

    It does’t matter what you look like to a point.. sure there has to be an initial attraction. And this is where your looks and fitness can come in… but.. at the end of the day.. you have to talk to her.

    And if she’s blowing you off.. respect that she’s not attracted to you.

    Though at the same time, try to figure out when they might just be using you for a free drink or a free meal. If they never ask you a question, about your life and or interests.. that’s a big clue.

    If they are only giving one word answers during a dinner date, and looking at their phone the whole time during a dinner date.. excuse yourself, tell the waitress that she will be paying.. and book out the back door.

  8. Probs not enough big dick energy… But dont go overboard with the doping… Sigourney weaver only has limited time!

  9. Spend the time to learn to love yourself instead of searching for it from others… once you truly love yourself you should find that it won’t be so hard for others to love you

  10. I mean, you’re posting a lot of dick pics.

    This might have something to do with it?

  11. try too hard? come on too strong? clingy? you gotta let them be themselves, have their own friend and time. and dont text them so much, just go meet up and have fun times, make them remember you with a smile, they will want you

  12. First things first, if a woman gives you any compliment when rejecting you, ignore the compliment.

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