A girl I’ve known for years and I hooked up after the lake yesterday.
She said she was on birth control and I trusted that so we didn’t use a condom.

I ended up getting anxiety about the no condom thing mid-way through, and could not ejaculate. We had already started and stopped having sex about 2-3 times by this point in the night.

She claims she’s on the pill, I have no reason to think she’s lying. But what are the odds of pregnancy here? I never ejaculated (not to my knowledge anyway 🤷‍♂️ I didn’t feel a big eruption) I think the no condom thing is worrying me to no end.

Thanks in advance

  1. If she’s on birth control pills and takes them perfectly (including storing them properly, not taking certain antibiotics, not puking right after taking them, etc), then the chances of pregnancy are very low.

    Many people rely solely on birth control pills, and you not ejaculating inside her helps too. It really comes down to whether you trust that she’s on the pill and taking them properly.

    I do recommend getting STI tested around three weeks from now and then again in three to four months. If you get symptoms, get tested then even if it’s only a week from now. Condoms aren’t only for contraception. They’re also the best way to protect yourself against many STIs if you don’t know your partner’s status.

  2. There is almost never a 0% of pregnancy. Wear the condom, and save yourself the stress. Is the stress you’re feeling worth getting to nut raw? One option, start raw, then slip the condom on right near the end. I did it this way for years.

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