24/F NBSB.

I want to feel love, I want to give love…
I want a support, I want to give support.
I want someone I can open to, I want to be someone that person could open to.
I want a shoulder to cry on, I want to offer my shoulder to someone to cry on.
I want to feel the feeling of being special, I want to treat someone special…


I tried entertaining suitors, but I get tired half way.
I tried installing dating apps but I end up uninstalling because I felt like it’s just not right. I don’t feel the connection.
I don’t feel comfortable when men starts talking to mw about love…
When it’s the topic, I felt like I needed to run. Why?

I am introvert… I don’t like small talks.
When I tried to entertain suitors and they start asking questions, I felt like they’re invading my personal space. I felt like I am being forced to answer.


1 comment
  1. Maybe therapy could help?

    There is a process to finding a long term partner. A big part of that is communicating with one another, and the first stages of that are through questions. To understand one another and see if there is any compatibility and potential of a future together. Depending on the questions, it’s important that you open up a little bit of yourself, enough that it won’t feel like your being invaded. Also need to ask questions of your own as well

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