boy from work i met and we were snapping for a while and i made a move by telling him he was cute. then he said we should hang sometime. i brought it up again a few days later and we were both like okay we will aim for this day since we r both off work. i ask him if he’s free that day and he responds that sorry he picked up a shift at work and i snapped back and said ohhhh. he then left me on open and never snapped back. i snapped him again the next day and then after a few snaps back and forth he left me on open again. can any one give me any idea why he randomly left me on open when we were making plans to hang out??? my feelings be hurt now

  1. There are probably a number of reasons why he keeps leaving you on open. It is starting to sound like he may just not be interested. If I were you I would not message him again. If he messages you, great! But if he doesn’t then you’ll know for sure. I would not wait around for him

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