Hey guys I need some advice.
I was a bridesmaid yesterday for a wedding and me and my groomsman hit it off great. He asked for my number and texted me some messages just to make sure I got his number too before I left.
It’s the next day and I haven’t heard anything from him even though he was VERY into me.
Do you think he’s waiting for me to text him, since he texted me first to make sure I got his number?
Maybe he just doesn’t want to double text me to seem desperate?
Probably overthinking this 😂

1 comment
  1. There’s a lot that can be going on here. Perhaps he is having similar thoughts about texting you again too? My viewpoint on this has always been simple – if you want to text someone, do it. You can both wait for the other forever, or you can go after what you want now. What do you have to lose from reaching out to them?

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