Hey guys so I’m gonna sound like the wimpiest person ever bc I am, but my(19F) boyfriend(20M) is currently on his way to come visit me (we are long distance and I still live w my parents) and I STILL haven’t told my parents we’re dating. He’s going to be here in a few hours and I’m freaking out. Every time I try to tell them I just freeze up and I feel like I physically can’t get the words out of my mouth. I don’t know what to do. Telling them makes me so anxious. I think the reason I feel so anxious is because I’m so doubtful about the relationship and I know that telling my parents would just move the relationship forward much more than I want to. I just feel like the worst person ever bc we’ve been dating for a while and he’s driving across states to visit me and I’m still having these doubts.

I honestly don’t even know specifically what I’m asking, but I guess if anyone who has been in a similar situation as me has any advice, please please please let me know because I’m freaking out.

TLDR: my long-distance bf is coming to visit me at my parents house. I haven’t told my parents that we’re dating yet bc I am not super confident in the relationship. How do I tell them we’re dating without feeling anxious about this moving my relationship too forward?

  1. You could just wait till he gets there. “Mom, dad – this is my boyfriend.”

  2. I’ve been in a similar situation – except that I froze up because I was afraid that my family wouldn’t accept that I was dating.

    My advice really is to just do it. There’s no other way to avoid it.

  3. >. I think the reason I feel so anxious is because I’m so doubtful about the relationship

    Any particular reasons for that?

    >I know that telling my parents would just move the relationship forward much more than I want to.

    …so what’s your plan in the meantime then? Lie to them?

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