I have a fantasy that I would like to ask for honest opinions on whether it should stay in my head or maybe I should follow up on it….

I have a late shift most days and I go to the gym (24 he fitness) afterwards. Most days I end up my workout by going to the steam room and hitting the shower around 1:00 or 2:00 a.m…. as you can expect there’s barely anybody at the gym around that time.

I have always fantasized about sneaking into the men’s shower stalls that late in the night -and if I noticed someone inside a shower- knock and ask if I can join them, or.. if they will let me give them a blowjob šŸ˜»

Is this too wild? How can I expect most men to react?

Pss- I wouldn’t really care who they are or what they look like, I just don’t want to disrespect anybody.

  1. As awesome as that would be, I don’t know it that’s a good idea. If you do it be careful. I know if it where me I’d be appreciative. Other men tho…

  2. They are there to go to the gym, not have sex. If you were flirting with a guy and suggested it and he liked it, maybe, although it would be unfair to anyone else who was around. But to just go in and start bothering people for sex when thatā€™s not what they are there for, it could easily make them uncomfortable. I canā€™t imagine having a man sneak into the womenā€™s showers and knocking around asking for sex. I would feel so violated.

  3. Keep in mind how you would feel if you were say ā€¦ at the grocery store and a random man asked you to go down on you in your car while youā€™re just going about your day

    For most people that constitutes sexual harassment.

    The best way to achieve your fantasy without acting inappropriately towards a stranger would be to meet a guy on a dating app, tell him your fantasy, and ask him to go to your gym – work out – then meet you in the shower at a specific time without previously speaking to one another

    Keep it feeling like a stranger without potentially traumatizing a stranger you know?

  4. If the roles were reversed hereā€¦ šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø yikes, OP.

  5. If u are in SF the guys at the Potrero hill location are touching themselves in the bathroom quite often. Lol about once a week u can find a guy casually masturbating in the showers. As for the scene itā€™s incredibly risky and cause major issues. How about u approach a guy(s) working out first. If the conversation goes well then mention it, or maybe get a partner from outside the club and explain your fantasy.

  6. I’ve done half of what you’re fantasizing about. With me it wasn’t a stranger though.

    Fantasy was much better than reality. In reality the cramped space was pretty uncomfortable and the “taboo” element was not so much hot as it was anxiety inducing.

  7. I wouldn’t accept, I love public sex, if we were dating I would love to do those things with you but not with a total stranger. I feel like that’s how people get stds and aids…..I like to know she is tested before I have any kind of sex.

  8. I think it would probably be best to talk with this person before you just hop into a steam room and possibly sexually harrass someone.

    Try finding a hookup who’s willing to engage in your kink on tinder or something. If it must be from the gym then at least flirt with then and read the vibe before you start propositioning.

    And if you’re going to do the nasty in public area (even if there’s no one around) do it mindfully. Random bystanders are not consenting parties.

  9. If I were in the shower and someone knocked and asked this I would be down for it. Buuuut some people on this thread are correct. If the roles were reversed this would never be ok.

  10. You could maybe arrange something with a tinder date or something, but it sounds like a terrrrrrible idea to just pull on a random person.

    1) Just because a guy is at the gym late at night doesn’t mean he’s single.

    2) men go to the gym to workout, not to fuck.

    3) if some random person came in while I was showing and propositioned me, I’d probably punch them in the face and/or report them to the police. I’d DEFINITELY report them to the gym management for inappropriate behavior. What a way to violate someone’s privacy and boundaries.

  11. Extremely sex positive and (when single) promiscuous dude here. Iā€™d call the cops.

    If the fantasy really works for you, set it up with a date. Make it a bit of a role play. If the two of you want to risk the possible downsides involved in getting busted, itā€™s still your call. But the idea of this being an actual stranger? Thatā€™s incredibly risky behavior in a ton of different ways, and ending up a registered sex offender is just the easiest to conclude.

  12. You need to act it out with someone you know. The majority of guys are going to get very upset in that situation.

  13. I’m a guy

    And I also go to 24 hour gym (around 2-3 AM)

    Anyone here can hate me for this, and it’s cool …..

    But I ALSO have a similar fantasy (M, having sex with F,in a gym)

    Now, JUST imagine me, going into the women’s locker room,

    Yeah, I’m automatically a creep, pervert,rapist, etc.

    Don’t just act it out!!

    Meet a guy, either in person or online, around your area, get to know them a bit,then, inform them about your fantasy, and take it from there. As opposed to you just bursting into the men’s locker room and just coming onto a guy for sex! It’s technically rape, but you know, someway,somehow, the man will be portrayed very negatively

    Hope this helps, and good luck!

  14. Most guys would think this is creepy and sexual harrassment. Hate to do the “if the roles were reversed” thing but a guy thinking of doing this would be as big of a red flag.

    If you want to roleplay this fantasy with someone, let’s say someone you met on a dating app, sure. But do NOT do it with a stranger. Men are human too and not always up for sexual acts with any woman they meet. Most would consider this attempted rape and call the cops.

    Also, you probably don’t wanna be banned from your gym.

  15. I think even if a guy fantasizes about this happening, in real life it would be scary.

  16. ABSOLUTELY DO NOT FUCKING DO THIS WHAT THE FUCK. If your recipient was consensual and into it, yeah this would be fucking hot. BUT, this is grounds for harassment and would at the very minimum get you banned from the gym (and hopefully most others around it) for violating privacy.

  17. It sounds hot, but a random stranger jumping in the shower with me in what is effectively the middle of the night while Iā€™m there to work out, then go home not covered in my sweat? My first reaction would be to cover myself up and think of an exit strategy while I talk to stall for time.

    A lot of guys would think itā€™s a prank. Some guys may be married or have a partner and donā€™t want to cheat. Some guys may be gay. Some guys may be too tired and just want to go home. You could certainly find someone who would be down, but if it backfires on you, it could really backfire since you are sexually propositioning an unprepared stranger.

  18. Yeah no. If a man were to walk into a womanā€™s locker room and start asking for sex and head heā€™d be arrested. Definitely something you should arrange with somebody beforehand.. these are people going about their day at the gym. theyā€™re not there for sex.. plus you donā€™t know if these people are married or in relationships.

  19. While the idea is certainly appealing, it is so out of the norm for what guys expect and are used to. I think I would be pretty shocked and taken aback, even if I found you attractive and wanted to do it. It’s just that it’s so unusual and different that instead of thinking “hey that’s sexy, let’s do it”, the thought would be closer to “wtf is going on, is this a trap? what does she want from me?” if it was a completely cold approach.

    I think you’d need to find someone there and get to know them a tiny bit and arrange this like that.

  20. This is predatory and weird. Never do that to someone youā€™ve never talked into it before.

    Yikes. Imagine some random dude coming into the women showers to ask to eat you out, in the middle of night, completely umprompted ? You can be as sex positive as possible but Iā€™m sure youā€™d be creeped out

  21. Sexy idea but thereā€™s always an element of stranger danger here. You never know type of guy youā€™d be accosting. And the aftermath of it can be unpredictable.

  22. This is one of those things that, at first thought, sounds fantastic as the “would-be receiver”, but if you think beyond surface level, it sounds terrible. I personally, regardless of relationship status and such, don’t think I’d ever agree to it, because there would just be so many possible factors that I knew nothing about. The thing that immediately comes to mind is, I would feel like it’s a set up in some way. I don’t think there sounds like a more obvious set up to get caught with a false rape accusation than a stranger coming up and offering a no strings attached blowjob in a location with no witnesses or cameras. I’d also worry that it’s some shady prostitution business, and I’d get confronted by a couple guys after leaving demanding payment for the “services”. Or even that while I’m distracted, I’d get jumped or something.

    None of these necessarily sound like a reasonable concern, but that’s because this is such an unprecedented situation, and I would feel like there must be *some* catch to it.

    Outside of that, I’d worry for your safety. Again, there’s no witnesses or cameras, so what if the guy happens to be a creep, and isn’t happy stopping with whatever you’re comfortable with?

    In a perfect world, where everyone is completely open to everything, and all negative emotions are nonexistent, your fantasy could work, but that’s simply not the case. I agree with everyone else saying to do it with someone you’ve already met or want to hookup with. That’s really the only moral way to do it, tbh

  23. Hot fantasy. Terrible idea in reality.

    Thanks to Me Too, men are finally getting much better at consent, not being in compromising situations one on one with women, etc. Men are always asking how to hit on women at the gym, and they’re finally getting the idea that YOU DON’T.

    Don’t fuck it up for everyone with this shit.

  24. yea if a dude did this to me, iā€™d scream. itā€™s just creepy and weird to be approached by a stranger like that. now if my boyfriend had some exhobitionist fantasy like this, iā€™d find safeish ways to indulge his fantasy.

  25. Don’t matter if a girl was hotter than the scale. No to strangers. Especially when they make advances like that without any effort from me. Ehhh

  26. Definitely not random walking into the men’s showers. If it was someone you noticed there and that person was checking you out and maybe flirting, I can see offering BEFORE going into those areas.

  27. Fantasies are perfectly fine, but just keep it as that unless you have set it up as role play in advance. Otherwise reverse the situation and ask yourself how youā€™d react if a man suddenly appeared behind your shower curtain and asked if he could join youā€¦. Yeahā€¦ fucked up as all hell, right? Doubtful he is in fear of being raped, but there are other negative emotions that would still come with it. Not trying to be rude to you at all, but your post is just one of many on this sub where there is still a social misconception where women think 100% of all men will welcome sex with any stranger at any time of the day. The man you ask could be happily married/committed, gay, autistic, victim of sex abuse, or just a regular guy who respects his health and dignity not to have random sex with a stranger at 1am in a shower stall of a public gym.

  28. Life is not a porn movie. Fantasy is yours in your head. If you want to act it out or fulfill it you must have an equal and consenting partner. I beg differ most men would be offended by the intrusion and most likely report her to the police or at least management.

  29. imagine if a strange man knocked on the shower at night and asked u if he could go down on you, its fucking weird, dont ask random strangers that

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