The type of women who always finds an opportunity to complain about men, and raise gender issues regardless of the conversation or topic at hand?

It seems like most men don’t care if a woman admits her hate for men, and thus women feel more free to do it.

  1. Sounds like you’ve been hanging around the dating over 50 sub….. The best way is to ignore them.

  2. I don’t deal with them or interact with them. And if I do I keep it to a minimum.

    No time to deal with bigots

    If they ask why I’m ignoring them I tell them straight up and don’t enter the discussion

  3. You don’t. Or at least avoid them.

    People like this are toxic. Look, I’m all for equal rights for both genders but the need to put down any gender, male or female, constantly says more about them than it does about the actual gender.

    These people clearly have a “victim mentality” and nothing you can do can convince them of otherwise.

    Hard avoid.

  4. I just nod and agree with everything like I would with an inconsolable child. It’s the only way to tire them out so I can put them down for a nap and enjoy a bit of peace and quiet.

  5. Don’t let it get to you bro.
    They are trying to get you fired up so they can say “see,see,see I was right ” .
    Granted there are those dickheads that make us look bad…just follow your heart.

  6. It’s a telltale sign that if someone tells you that every guy they’ve been with is a dickhead, then the reality is they are the dickhead.

    Same goes for friends, colleagues, etc.

    You have to avoid these kind of people.

    If everyone else is the problem, then you are the problem.

  7. Minimize your interactions with them, and avoid interacting if possible. There are plenty of men who are good people, and it’s not that they don’t care, it’s that they’re not going to change her mind. She’s only snappy because women mostly get a pass from having to deal with the threat of physical violence in the same way men do. When a man is snappy to another man, there is usually going to be a higher probability of physical violence; women, generally, get avoid this, and so a small minority of them think they intimidate men. The reality is, those men are just taking a fucking pass on dealing with their nonsense.

  8. I don’t. Their judgements of others have nothing to do with me. It’s all about them.

  9. I don’t interact with them when I can, but I like to mess with them from time to time whenever they make a post in this sub or on other subs.

  10. I don’t deal with them. Let them say what they want and I don’t give enough of a shit to confront them. It’s irrelevant to me.

  11. I actively walk away from these people. They are irrational (at best) and you can’t reason with that kind of broken mind.

    Besides, any attempt at actual debate or conversation just devolves into them screaming “mansplaining ! Mansplaining!” So what’s the fucking point.

  12. This is not something I encounter unless I seek it out online so I just don’t do that.

  13. I work with a woman like that. Great professional, but she despise men.

    I just talk to her when is necessary and I don’t talk about my personal life in front of her.

  14. I put them their place…I know a girl who’s a single mom, about 25lbs over weight and bellow average in the looks department, I was talking to her and two of her average looking friends and they went on and on about how they aren’t willing to settle and how they dump men if they wear dirty shoes on a date or don’t have “style” and how the guy had to be fit, make good money ect…I literally said “what makes you believe that those guys want to date you? What exactly do you offer that makes you worthy of being so picky? Do you think a fit, good looking guy making 100k a years would want to date a single mom in her 30s? Maybe they would be settling for you?” It was as if they had never thought about it…I got “I have my own place, I make my own money, I’m educated dur dur dur…” haha the funny thing is that the girl tried to sleep with me that night even after all the shit I said to her and her friends lol

  15. >The type of women who always finds an opportunity to complain about men, and raise gender issues regardless of the conversation or topic at hand?

    The same way I feel when I meet the type of man, who finds an opportunity to complain about women, and raise gender issues regardless on the topic at hand.

    I avoid them and understand their biases are going to cloud any rational conversation that I’d want to try to find middle ground on the issue.

    >It seems like most men don’t care if a woman admits her hate for men, and thus women feel more free to do it.

    Because giving into them leads you to fight fire with fire and then both parties lose at that point. I don’t stoop down to their level and start to come up with assumptions that aren’t based off of anything rather than feelings and raw emotions. Because it allows you to fall into their trap of othering another group and not having a level head and realizing that they’re the exception, not the norm.

    It also allows me to have a clear enough head to not make broad, overarching statements like this not based on facts and more based on core feelings which never leads to productive or empathetic discussion

  16. ignore and avoid. she’s trying to get a rise out of you and have a story or sound byte that supports her bigoted worldview. arguing with her is a stupid game, if you react you lose. the only way to win is not to play.

  17. Oh lord.

    Whether during school or when I worked in an office they were the bane of my existence.

    Avoid em whenever possible.

  18. as little as possible, same as anyone else that is rude and disrespectful.

  19. Honestly I just feel bad. Clearly, either a man hurt them at some point, or they simply have no examples of a good man in their lives. A dad, uncle, brother, guy friend or even stranger dropped the ball in a big way, making all men look bad in the process. And, not wanting to get hurt again, these women put up a barrier that broadly excludes all men.

    It makes sense, as a classic overreaction. I see it as an opportunity to be the good example that they need, but I don’t try too hard either. Some of these women have seen evil at the hands of men, and I sympathize the best I can, but am well aware that I’m not an enlightened therapist or anything. I also can’t know what hurt them so much, so I try to be gentle. As it has been said, “hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”.

  20. Generally you ***don’t*** deal with them or interact with them and everyone is happier that way.

  21. I ghost their asses.

    I don’t reward bad behavior in anyone…especially women.

    If she has no manners, I’m gone.

  22. Sometimes bait them if I’m in a facetious mood or drop a reality bombshell depending on the situation. Generally I just ignore the crap with a slight smirk and a “don’t feed the troll” attitude and let them open their mouths to change feet.

  23. Just fart reeeeeally long and loud! They get frightened by that and tend to return to their flock

  24. I don’t talk to them if she started it I just tell her to fuck off and I walk away

  25. I try to actively ignore them, unless they start shit with me in which case I verbally bully them into a corner and then go back to actively ignoring them.

  26. I’m 45, so I don’t deal with them anymore. I’m not in the mood to be a punching bag because your boyfriend in high school made out with some cheerleader

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