My husband thinks he’s doing me a favor by dropping by unannounced. Claiming to spend time, not sure why I want to spend time and continue sleeping with my husband as he’s sleeping with other people. Stupid!

Anywho he just got mad because I didn’t want to have sex with him.

Then proceeded to say he’s doing me a favor by “letting me stay here” & he can “remove me from the lease” & I can figure out my life.

Background: He takes care of all bills. We are both on the lease. When applying it was known that he was primarily responsible for the rent because I am in graduate school and not working.

Also we moved cross country for ME to be here. He works remote. Again I am not working because my program is that rigorous. So to try to threaten me to leave
when I deny you sex is absurd. Especially when you’re already sleeping with someone else…

From my understanding until we file & come to terms with the divorce he can’t make me leave unless it is decided in court. Correct?

  1. He would have to evict you in my state. Generally courts will not get involved unless divorce or protection order is filed.

  2. To answer your last question; No, he cannot force you to leave assuming both of your name are in fact on the lease, jointly and severely (meaning if one of you *disappears* the other one still owes *all of the rent*)


    Everything else aside, here is one possible route for you to take. It’s not ideal but it will give you an opportunity to get your life back on track assuming you definitely want to divorce your spouse.

    1) Depending on when your current schooling program ends you could be quiet, eat shit, and finish your current semester. If this isn’t realistic I would recommend talking to the appropriate staff at your school to outline your circumstances. When you tell them what’s going on don’t sugar coat it, you want them to know you really won’t be able to finish and are in need of a ***medical or mental leave of absence.*** This could put your future coursework on hold for some time, and they may allow you to finish your *current* coursework from home with extended deadlines.

    2) Assuming you are granted a leave of absence or complete your current semester your next step is to find alternative housing as well as a part-time job *immediately.* You can sort out the divorce paperwork later on. Use this time to get some financial independence and return to your school as soon as you can.


    Good luck

  3. He can’t evict you nor force you to sleep with him. I’d stay and go about my business until I’m either done with school or he files for divorce. Even if he files, you have time. Then try to get alimony payments to help you through school.

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