I ask this as I am tired of seaching for ways to connect with people friendship or otherwise and never finding anyone worth being around.

A part of me wonders if its due to my highly independent qnd culturally devoid upbringing that makes it hard to connect, but I decided I want to try somthing different, as being alone and having nobody I could trust or enjoy enough to see them in my future healthily is not fun, especially when the only meaning to life is to enjoy it at this point, as I have no attachments outside of myself.

So I want to date or get to know poeple, but actually want to meet them and get to know them, and want to know what options anyone has. Also please try to be specific if possible.

Additionally I want to avoid having to get into fake relationships in order to get to know if I like people, as It would seem wrong to me, but that is my current idea as people seem to busy or distant otherwise.




Also while it says dont give unethical advice, I myself wouldn’t be opposed to it if you are comfortable with it, as ethics dont always pay attention to reality, but more honest and legal advice is prefered.

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