Men age 50 and over, how do you really feel about getting a prostate exam?

  1. I’m 50, and I’ve gotten many prostate exams. It use to be pretty common any time you had a thorough physical.

    How do I feel? Meh. It’s quick, and then you move on. Don’t really feel anything (emotionally)

  2. I usually start whining and giggling and ask my doc why he didn’t buy me a drink first …..the nurses really wonder why we always laugh so hard.

  3. It’s a blood test, saved my life stage 3 and lots of cemeicals put in my body. Not fun if you find late..

  4. My doc uses antigen levels instead, and I haven’t had a manual exam yet. Just changed docs though so I’ll find out at my yearly physical next month. (I’m 59.)

  5. It’s all shits and giggles until there’s a real concern. We’re just busting balls when we joke around about those fingers in our ass. We all know that’s some serious business.

  6. Let’s put it this way. It’s easily detectable via a blood test or 5 seconds of discomfort. If caught early, easily correctable.

  7. If they’re married it’s the most penetration they might be getting regularly.

  8. There are plenty of mildly uncomfortable medical exams. This is just one of those.

  9. It’s one of the most treatable cancers if caught early. Very high survival rate. Well worth the discomfort.

  10. It’s a relative inexpensive butt fingering by a trained professional and it has a clear and meaningful medical purpose, what’s not to love?

  11. A side question… none of my doctors have ever given me the testi cough check… do I need that

  12. Just don’t scream the wrong Doctor’s name. It gets real awkward for everyone.

  13. i would litterally ask my then girlfriend to do it, first watch a youtube clip and she can do it.
    no man is gonna do that

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