What are your occupations?

  1. Teacher/Voice actor/comedian/musician

    I am professionally working as all these things at the same time, and 7 days in the week is never enough….

  2. I’m a mixed martial artist. In the twilight of my competitive career, but I’ll remain a coach until the day I’m physically incapable of it because it’s such an integral part of my life.

  3. Construction superintendent

    I spend most days cleaning up messes and cussing in english and espanol so everybody understands

  4. Content Designer in a AAA game franchise. It’s literally the coolest job in the entire world and I’m great at it. The pay isn’t as great as you’d think though.

  5. Um so the jobs listed aren’t lining up with all the claims from people on here that they make 6+ figures lol

    (For the record, I do not. Just commenting on this fact.)

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