So I meet this girl on tinder we talk and after a week we meet.
We’ve previously exchanged pics but I thought It’s just photo shops, but when we meet for a date, she was so beautiful I thought she was a model.

We talked, well more like she talked and I listened, course I literally didn’t know what to say. At the end of our date she thanked me for listening and we went home together. Nothing happened, we just went straight to bed (no sex) next morning she makes breakfast for me. This was 2 days ago now we keep texting, but I’m super confused, does she like me or is using me I question her intentions and I’m completely lost.

I don’t want to fuck up my chances, and I also don’t want to be used. what should I do?

  1. The fuck would she be using you *for* exactly? Like in your mind, what’s her endgame here?

    Does she know this was a romantic date as far as you’re concerned? I mean you met on Tinder so *I’d* assume so, but what do you think her expectations were?

    Do you feel like the date you went on does not meet the definition of a “romantic date” in some way? In what way do you feel it was lacking, if not?


    Does introvert = unattractive to you? Because that’s not a synonym, there. There are attractive introverts, unattractive extroverts, etc.


    >I don’t want to fuck up my chances

    At what? At getting laid on the first date? Too late, sorry to say.

    Beyond that, what chances do you not want to fuck up, exactly?


    >what should I do?

    Figure out what the hell you’re trying to say, and what question it is you need answered, ***THEN*** post. In that order.

  2. Well there are women who like guys like you. I say watch her actions. If she still the same person you when y’all first started talking; then you shouldn’t worry. Do have some fun topics and things to ask her too so it don’t feel one sided. Just be, stay calm, and just enjoy the moment for what it is .

  3. You slept with her and didn’t have sex?

    You just invited yourself into the friendzone.

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