I’ve been hurt in the past by other guys from using social media. I feel like he has his notifications turned off for some things he always keeps his phone with him the one time I snooped through his phone I found some flirting with a “ random” girl. I constantly feel like he flirts with other girls either on Snapchat or Instagram. It’s hard for me to trust him and I’m not sure what to do.. i don’t understand why he can’t just be honest. He tells me he doesn’t talk to anyone but in my gut he’s lying. I might be insecure or have trust issues I’m trying to over come it it’s like jealousy takes over me.

  1. You indeed have trust issues and jealousy issues that you shouldn’t be in a relationship with. If you feel the need to snoop through your partners things (regardless of gut feeling) you shouldn’t be with them.

    Try to fix these issues before you start dating, otherwise it’s not fair to your partner

  2. There’s two sides to this.
    A. He needs his privacy, everyone has their own boundaries, and everyone is entitled to their own privacy.
    B. He needs to respect how you feel. He needs to do what he can to make you comfortable and happy. If you can’t trust him, you’re missing one of the cornerstones of relationships.
    Sit down and talk about it. Set clear rules and boundaries in the relationship. Both sides set and agree on terms until a compromise you both are ok with is made.

  3. it’s very difficult to have trust issues and insecurities and work on them while also in a relationship. it will take a toll on your relationship and whether justified or not, everything you see him do or don’t do will confirm your bias of not trusting him.

    bottom line right now is you don’t trust your partner. what can he do to make you trust him? if there’s nothing he can do, or that he’s willing to do to completely put your mind at ease about cheating then let him go and start working on yourself

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