So I spoke about this recently with some friends and they all seem to think I completely missed the mark on this one.

A small bit of detail about me, I wouldn’t consider myself overly social, I can talk to people just fine and I’m not massively afraid to introduce myself to people when the time comes but when I’m out in public by myself I’m usually more closed off (which I guess most people are). I also have little to no experience with girls so I have no idea what y’all are thinking usually.

But here’s the situation.

I live away from home in a small student city while I’m studying at uni, meaning I pretty much take the same bus everywhere I go since it just turned out that way. But on this particular day the bus was basically full with no seats (apart from sitting next to somebody whose already say down) so I go to the 2nd floor of the bus hoping to find a seat but no dice so at this point I have to sit next to somebody but I kinda don’t want to and most people don’t want people sitting next to them anyway.

It’s at this point while I’m walking down the bus I notice a girl sitting in one of the seats by herself, she looks at me and then moves her bag from the chair next to her as an indication that I can sit down, and as I’m walking to go sit next to her I notice at the back of the bus an empty seat with no-one next to it so I opt to sit there instead. It’s at this point I sit down and look up and see the girl full 180 looking directly at me before turning away again, in which case at the time I did wonder if she *wanted* me to sit there or not but I didn’t think to much of it.

This may seem like it’s literally nothing and I would agree but apparently the fact that this girl turned to look at me and see where I sat down was an indication that she wanted me to sit next to her.

  1. Okay so I’m going to give it to you straight. From how you explained the situation it does sound like you had an opportunity to talk to this women. How that interaction would’ve gone is anyones best guess so don’t even bother with the what if’s.

    I have friends who tell me this kind of stuff all the time and I usually pay no attention to it. Since It’s like okay let’s play this out, you want me to do what again? Sit next to a random women I’ve never seen before in my life and try to start a conversation with her in the hopes that down the line I might get lucky? And we’re not at a bar, concert, or anything people go to interact with new people at? Like damn you know I’m gonna have to pass, there’s a fine line between cute and creepy, and I’d rather not walk it.

  2. Yeah, that indicated she was interested in interacting with you. I personally disagree with the other commenter because you can enjoy a conversation with someone without worrying about becoming friends with them.

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