My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 months which isn’t long but we’ve had a lot of dates I feel as though I’ve known him for much longer! For instance, in the first week of getting to know each other, we had 4 dates!

We are now currently on holiday together visiting his home country. He’s said lovely things to me which indicates that he does have feelings for me, such as: “Im crazy about you”, “you’re mine”, “you make me so happy” etc.

But, it feels weird to be staying in such a romantic place, doing all these romantic things and not saying “love you”. Am I being impatient?! How long do people wait?! I feel like for the amount that we’ve done we should be able to say that now but not sure if I’m rushing it…

Btw I’m 27 (f) and he’s 33

  1. I mean 58 days ago you were intrusively thinking about an ex, so it seems like you’re rushing this to feel some escape from your own headspace. Two months isn’t very long at all. You should feel fine saying something yourself but if you want to wait for him, then you need to wait for him. He has other ways to show his enthusiasm and commitment in the meantime.

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