So i was talking with my one female friend which i know for few monhts and the topic of dating came up so i told her about my experience from another day about one girl who rejected me with words oh sorry i have a boyfriend. I told my friend cocky joke after this Oh what a stupid a reason to reject somebody when you can have 2 bfs right ?…i have one thing to say for this – this woman does not have taste … Who would not want this upgrade and i flexed my arms like iam the king of the jungle with a proud smile and sayed oh maybe she knows this material is too much for her to handle and i look into her eyes she started blushing but after that she started to be furious.I know this can sound egoistical af and it probably is but i sometimes have that kind of humor.And after that she was like mad at me how that could be stupid for somebody to cheat which i agree i dont support fucking cheating and i told her i meant jokingly maybe it was awful joke i know iam not exactly a fucking comediant dunno what do you think ? She thinks iam fucking arrogant asshole now which i kind of iam 😀 but you know she wont talk to me…Was it bad behaviour from me? What should i do ?

  1. >Oh what a stupid a reason to reject somebody when you can have 2 bfs right ?

    That is a weak ass joke.

    >Who would not want this upgrade and i flexed my arms like iam the king of the jungle

    A lot of people. No one is required to find you attractive.

    >I know this can sound egoistical af and it probably is but i sometimes have that kind of humor

    That’s not just ego. That’s insecurity disguised as humor, if you can even call it that.

    >maybe it was awful joke

    You think?

    >She thinks iam fucking arrogant asshole now which i kind of iam 😀

    I don’t know why you’re so happy about a glaring flaw that pushes people away.

    >Was it bad behaviour from me?

    … bruh

    >What should i do ?

    Man the fuck up and admit you made a shitty ass joke. Not everyone is going to think you’re funny. And no one, I repeat **no one,** is required to find you personally attractive.

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