Thought I would post in here so I didn’t get as many creepy guys with weird intent messaging me and stuff, (lesbian anyways) but essentially I can’t fantasize and think of anyone sexually, not even fictional characters, without feeling extreme guilt and nausea. I feel like I should have her consent to do that, especially if I’m doing myself at the same time, I feel freaked out because if she knew she would probably feel creeped out or violated or something, I know I personally would feel anxious and freaked out if someone wanked over me…. Any tips on how/if I should get over this? Am I alone? 😅

  1. I do understand feeling awkward about fantasizing about friends an acquaintances; but feeling guilty about fictional characters seems a bit excessive 😂
    But if you feel you need permission; why not read erotic literature or watch ethical amateur porn; by the very nature they have all given implicit consent to be fantasized about.

  2. No one will be harmed by your fantasies unless your reality has a bad influence on them. You don’t have to feel guilty, sexual fantasies are normal. If you can’t stop, maybe you should watch ethical amateur porn![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)

  3. It’s okay to fantasize. It’s also okay to feel guilty about it a little bit. Just relax you’re perfectly normal.

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